quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2007

Tempos pós-neo-modernos

Garota - Pai, vi no you tube que tem um celular que já vem com bluetooth e dá pra carregar mp3!

Pai - Quê que foi, filha?

Garota - Eu preciso desse celular, compra pra mim, pai!

Pai tentando compreender - Mas você já tem um, por que precisa de outro?

Garota - Porque uma amiga mandou um scrap dizendo que no flog dela tinha uma foto do celular, e que ela tinha escrito um post no blog sobre isso.

Pai confuso - Filhinha, porque não conversamos em português? Sou péssimo em idiomas estrangeiros...

Garota - ...e depois a Pri mandou um torpedo dizendo que no vibe do Guto tem um gif do aparelho.

Irmão da Garota – É, e diz que dá até pra criar um podcast.

Pai mais confuso ainda - Pode o quê?

Irmão da Garota - Cast. Aí, você usa um tracker do Bit Torrent pra disponibilizar na internet, ou joga direto num feed.

Pai atônito - Peraí, filho, feed?

Irmão da Garota - É, uma lista dos URLs do podcast.

Garota - Mas a boa é botar em RSS, né?

Irmão da Garota - É bom... aí, todo mundo que tiver um podcatcher ou podcast receiver vai poder mexer nos feeds.

Garota - Viu, pai, por que é que eu preciso tanto desse telefone?

Pai à beira de convulsões – mimimimi...

16 comentários:

Paulo Bono disse...

não entendi porra nenhuma.

Cascarravias disse...


Lívia H. disse...

"mimimimimi" foi ótimo!

Ane Brasil disse...

olha só, diz pra esses pirralhos que tu fez curso de datilografia!
Não fez?
Ah, eu fiz, tenho até diploma de DATILÓGRAFA!
sorte e saúde pra todos!

Anônimo disse...

Arthur man, when I read these comments, I sometimes think you brazilians are a bunch of idiot-savants. Yes I understand the Portuguese perfectly but I have no fuckin' idea where they are comin' from. Please tell me what sector of the galaxy they are orbiting around so I can at least try and tune in...

CREDO? Casca this is it? Please for the love of god don't fade away on me yet. I know beating your ass raw on a weekly basis is takin' it's toll on you but hang on for just a few months longer...

I think this Paulo guy goes to the beach too much or I am seriously missing the joke. Where are Diogo's explanation abilities when I seriously need them????

Anônimo disse...

Perhaps an explantion about why Arthur posted this is...

Some of you may very well be familiar with what was said by Miss Teen USA South Carolina via youtube. If you don't then please go check it out...

Are american girls really that dumb???? Well it's an affliction mostly made upon the prettiest ones. HOWEVER I have noticed over the years that it's a universal affliction and not only an american dilemma. Pretty 17 year old girls everywhere in the world are just real fuckin' dumb. It's a simple fact of nature that can not be disputed.
What disturbed me about Miss Teen South Carolina was her candid sincerity. "I am real fuckin' stupid but this doesn't matter because it's how I look that really counts. FUCK YOU and what EVERRRRRRRRRR...." How true!!!

Think about it. Who can sit around listening to some stupid beauty contestant pretending to be smart whenever confronted with a remotely intellectual question??? It's too much. Knowing that many of these girls will experience a life of grand luxury and opulence only because hundreds of millions of men will do anything they can to get between their legs is also too much.

I fight back against this travesty of universal injustice in my own way though. I fuck their mothers and make sure the daughter can hear all of it in the next room. I have done this countless times.
Yeah I am spankin' your momma's ass and about to go anal. Listen to her moan with the utmost pleasure and never forget it!!! Breakin' her bed next...
Go back to playin' with your dolls kid because momma's got you beat on every level that counts. Unlike 99.9% of the non-gay men out there, I know you are totally over-fuckin'-rated and would need at least a dozen of you at the same time to even begin any sort of comparison.

Yeah I know...I am the ultimate mother fucker...

Anônimo disse...

Now there is at least one thing little girl who is bedazzled by cell phone technology will probably never comprehend. The ARMY is gathering in New York City this weekend. What Army you ask? The true army of the people is what it is.
Another 9-11 anniversary has arrived. We will all be there for the next 4 days. The most subversive congregation of barbarians ever assembled in the western hemisphere since the Sons of Liberty, who would get shit faced drunk at Sam Adams' pub to write seditious letters to the KING and plot Tea Parties, is now gathering.
While casca is masturebating to his greatest of heroes, "once CIA always CIA" bin Ladin for killing his american enemies, the real army of the people will be on the streets of New York fighting it out with the BEAST itself.
History at long last is going to be made by the people and for the people. Doesn't matter what CNN thinks or the BBC or the rest of 'em. We don't give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks. History will forever remember US.
We also know we are the hardest of the hard core. We know we are the only force on the face of the planet that has the balls to fight the real enemy. We all know that most of us will never live to see old age. We all know what a sacred honor it is to be called a TRUTHER.
It's the only movement today where anyone can join. No matter the religion, the nationality, the race, the gender, the sexual orientation, the age, the political persuation, the class, the level of education or the tribe. A Truther is simply a TRUTHER. No other movement nor any other organization in the world can compare.
It's been a long long long time comin'. We will fight for those of us who can not be there, we will fight for those of us who have passed before us and we will fight for those of us who are not yet born.
We were the russian winters that crushed both Napoleon's Grande Armee and Hitler's Wermacht. We rode with Crazy Horse at the Little Big Horn and atop Hannibal's elephants. We were the Highlanders at Bannockburn and the Zulu Dawn. We fought along side the 20th Maine at Little Round Top and defended the Alamo to the last man. We sure as hell weren't those Spartan douche-bags who defended Thermopylae because that's pure fiction.
Victory? Shit, we have already won by just showing up on the field of battle.
Absurd? Well that's for you to decide...

Unknown disse...

eu acho que, apesar de nao ser pai, ou mae... eu to ficando velha.

meu celular tem alguns dos recursos citados, e pasme, eu nao sei usar e nem sei pra que servem.

o maximo de tecnologia celulitica pra mim e tirar retrato e mandar pros amigos, pq nem baixar no pc eu sei fazer, hahahaha

beijos e saudades

estou conectada na rede novamente, e viva a velox. rs


Cascarravias disse...

credo de novo. a garota do celular resolveu se defender na caixa de comentarios. e em ingles.

Jana disse...

Três minutos antes desse diálogo, a menina adolescente numa confusão de id e ego, tinha chegado pra mãe e dito:
- Mãe, preciso de um celular novo!

E a mãe, macaca velha, vestindo o arquétipo de fortificador das estruturações do superego, respondeu:
- Vá pedir pro seu pai.

O pai, não ajustado ao incosciente coletivo pós-moderno, surtou.

Esse foi mais um texto onde Achtung e suas heteredoxias alimentam o Schadenfreude.
E de comentários onde explicitam a (já apontada por Cascarravias) Síndrome do Pequeno Príncipe.

Anônimo disse...

Achtung, baby!

gigi disse...

eu não sei nada do que vc escreveu.

4rthur disse...

nem eu, Gigi, nem eu.

Clara Mazini disse...

Será que além de tudo isso, esse tal celular faz ligações? rs ;)

Juju disse...

ó, só eu, que não sou tão velha assim, não entendi a metade das expressões mudernas e tecnologicas que voce usou...
ai ai, imagino qdo yuna e o icaro estiverem adolescentes...

Anônimo disse...

o pequeno príncipe está no patamar anterior ao do super homem, por isso tem todo meu respeito.