segunda-feira, setembro 24, 2007


mapa da internet, por algum internauta

mapa do Brasil, por um carioca bairrista

mapa dos EUA, por um novaiorquino bairrista

mapa do mundo, por qualquer americano
(clique na foto para ver melhor)

19 comentários:

Paulo Bono disse...

sensacional, velho arthur.

Jana disse...

no último mapa, esse "não venha aqui" me pareceu extremamente tentador.

Vivi disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Vivi disse...

Sacanagem esse mapa americano, hahahaha! Nem vou contestar o carioca bairrista não, porque não raro meu sotaque é confundido com o de nordestina ao falar com alguém de SP ou do sul, além do calor e da baixa umidade do ar nesses dias por aqui que dão uma preguiiiiiça...

Diogo Lyra disse...

Bem, temos a Cidade Maravilhosa e da ponte Rio-Niterói pra cima é tudo paraíba. Isso quer dizer que niteroienses são considerados "gente do norte" aqui no Rio de Janeiro.
No sul, o Sul - terra dos gays, das gaúchas e dos paraguaios.
Fora do Brasil é tudo argentino ou alemão mesmo, como no Sul.

Samantha Abreu disse...

Fantástico isso! Lindo!

Vivi disse...

Aff, mas tem cada pérola sua no meu blog... Quando você for famoso publico uma coletânea! :)

Anônimo disse...

Gente, I dont need to be a global citizen
Because Im blessed by nationality
Im member of a growing populace
We enforce our popularity
There are things that
Seem to pull us under
And there are things
That drag us down
But theres a power
And a vital presence
Thats lurking all around
Weve got the american jesus
See him on the interstate
Weve got the american jesus
He helped build the
Presidents estate
I feel sorry
For the earths population
cuz so few
Live in the u.s.a.
At least the foreigners
Can copy our morality
They can visit but they cannot stay
Only precious few
Can garner the prosperity
It makes us walk
With renewed confidence
Weve got a place to go when we die
And the architect resides right here
Weve got the american jesus
Overwhelming millions every day
(exercising his authority)
Hes the farmers barren fields
The force the army wields
The expession in the faces
Of the starving children
The power of the man
Hes the fuel that drives the clan
Hes the motive and conscience
Of the murderer
Hes the preacher on t.v.
The false sincerity
The form letter thats written
By the big computers
Hes the nuclear bombs
And the kids with no moms
And Im fearful that
Hes inside me

gigi disse...

Anônimo disse...

pessoal, acabei de retornar de um show desses jovens que estao no post logo abaixo. genial, é oque tenho a dizer sobre este ERRATA!!!

Anônimo disse...

cara, que coincidência, eu também estava lá! muito bons esses garotos

Anônimo disse...

sempre sábio, hein moço??? tô com pouco tempo pro blog e abandonada por meu companheiro... rs!
mas já, já a gente tá voltando, viu??
um cheiro... =]

gigi disse...

O show foi legal, mas o melhor mesmo foi a presença d'El Cascarravias.

Anônimo disse...

Now let's see...Gigi? I have no idea what you're talking about as usual but I must know one thing. I mean if you were that impressed, did you fuck him? C'mon let's get real here...

Ok ok ok ok ... back to the main theme. Xenophobia. Yeah, you cariocas are some of the most notorious xenophobes I have ever gotten to know. You make the red necks of West Virginia look like a bunch of practioners of Ghandi. Only Cambodians and the Hopi Indians of Arizona have got you all beat...

Many stories to tell about this one. Where do I begin?

First, all cariocas hate Tijucanos. It's a fact so you must all get over it.
When I was always asked which Bairro I thought was best, I always answered Tijuca. Many would go nuts with rage especially after I began listing the reasons why.

There was this Perua from Leblon I once dated. She, like most people dwelling in Rio's world famous South Side, was waiting for both her and mother and father to grow old and die so she could inherit the condo.
Arthur man, we are talking serious carioca opulance here. Uniformed maids and a penthouse apartment that would make Dona Grossa's abode look like a one bedroom shack in West Virginia.

Anyway this particular woman never ventured farther north than Ipanema. Why? Copacabana was in actuallity a Tijuca by the sea...she always told me this.

Anônimo disse...

Then there were the intellectual gate-keepers of all things Carioca. Tijuca? Nossa! You're fuckin' crazy...Better carry robbing money with you. They'll kill a gringo up there if he has none.
What could I do? I could never carry large amounts of robbery cash on me because I lived there. It was rare when I carried 20 reais much less 50 expected for the robbery cash. 20 favelas surround the place I was constantly told. Tijuca was permanenetly fucked.
The north east of brazil? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Tijuca for thousands of miles. Why go there? Buzios??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's where Tijucanos go! Go to Angra where the real people go to recreate!

Ahhh, but even those who lived deep in suburbio had nothing but contempt for my fair Teeeezzzzhhhhuuuuuuuuca.
"....The fuckers actually think they are south zoners...."
This came from a douche-bag I knew up in Casca-fuckin'-dura. The guy prided himself with owning a different pair of Nike Air Jordan for every day of the week. Yes I know, I was in awe of such spectacular stupidity and spoke to hime many times as a result...

Anônimo disse...

Barra? Por fa fuckin vor! This was where self-hating tijucanos moved to escape from ever being called a Tijucano.
"...Look?!? We're trying to improve!" was what these traitor scum would plead to any a south zoner who would take pity upon them and listen.

So why Tijuca? Well it was the one and only place where many a carioca told me they were totally fucked. I can apreciate an honest confession every now and then.
It was also the one place where I encountered more real people than anywhere else.
"I am me so fuck it...." Rarely found this sentiment up in suburbio and never down south.
Fuckin south zoners...don't they know they too are favelados in the eyes of a gringo???? Who do they think they are? Us? Por fa fuckin vor...

Finally, I found too much love in Tijuca. So many women. Go five blocks in any direction from Saens Pena and there was a lover living in an apartment on each street.
Yes, I loved them all and that was a huge problem.

Anônimo disse...

Tijuca was my great fuck you. I hated bota-fuckin-fogo for the longest time though. Why? Those fuckers thought they were Tijucanos. Then you again would need to count 5 blocks in any direction from the bota-fuckin-fogo metro station to understand my eventual change of heart.

So fuck you! Tijuca is the heart and soul. The holy center. Where it all begins and ends. If you can't figure all of this out then I am sorry. TEEEZZZZHHHHUUUUUUUUUCA!!!!!

Yes I must confess that canadians are still a bunch of puxa-sacos. God save the fuckin Queen!!!!!

Nana disse...

Rá! Muito bom, adorei.

Anônimo disse...

Special Relationship US/UK