sexta-feira, novembro 23, 2007


Em 1991, ano do Rock In Rio II, o jovem Arthur arranhava incipientes solos e acordes em sua primeira guitarra, uma Gianinni Stratosonic preta que tinha um adesivo do Bart Simpson, comprada um ano antes. I used to love her foi a primeira canção que aquele garoto de 12 anos que queria mudar o mundo aprendeu a tocar, fruto da influência das bandas que se apresentaram no festival supracitado.

E foi neste mesmo ano de 1991 que o jovem Arthur conheceu um magrelo cabeludo chamado Leonardo Villas Boas, vizinho de bairro com um ano a mais de vida e de experiência guitarrística. No mesmo dia em que se conheceram, o jovem Lelo emprestou ao jovem Arthur uma fita cassete e um disco de vinil, que influenciariam decisivamente o gosto musical deste último.

A fita cassete continha a gravação do quarto disco do Led Zeppelin (sem título, conhecido como IV, ZoSo ou Four Symbols), disco cujo valor devido o jovem Arthur só daria anos mais tarde. E o vinil tratava-se de ...And Justice For All, do Metallica. Aparentemente, não são notadas maiores semelhanças entre os dois álbuns, tirando o fato de serem ambos bons discos de rock. Mas atentem para o detalhe percebido por um cara que, apesar de ser das letras, é também fascinado por relações numéricas:

Led Zeppelin IV, de 1971, é, obviamente, o quarto disco do Led. E ...And Justice, de 1988, é o quarto disco do Metallica. A quarta faixa do quarto disco do Led é Stairway to heaven, talvez a balada de rock mais conhecida do mundo (o disco é um dos mais vendidos do mundo, ultrapassando as 30 milhões de cópias). E a quarta faixa do quarto disco do Metallica é One, a balada mais conhecida da banda e o primeiro clipe deles oficialmente lançado. Ambas as canções são baladas épicas que duram em torno de 7 minutos, com vários climas, indo do dedilhado melódico ao peso da distorção, com um super solo de guitarra no fim. E foram as duas canções que praticamente me hipnotizaram naquele dia longínquo.

Na época, eu já simpatizava bastante com o número 4, que é o andamento básico de quase todo roquenrol (além de representar milhares de outras coisas, como os 4 elementos da natureza, os 4 pontos cardeais, os 4 cavaleiros do apocalipse, os 4 tipos durkheimianos de suicídio etc.). Mas depois desta fenomenal coincidência, elegi definitivamente o 4 como meu número da sorte.

Se você também é fascinado por relações numéricas, a ponto de ficar efetuando operações aritméticas com os números da placa do carro da frente, vá ler O Homem que Calculava, de Malba Tahan. E se você curte um bom rock n’roll, vá ouvir não só o quarto álbum, mas TODA a discografia do Led Zeppelin!

33 comentários:

gigi disse...

"um magrelo cabeludo chamado Leonardo Villas Boas"... magrelo!

4rthur disse...

um dia, rubia, fomos todos magrelos.

Paulo Bono disse...

Stairway to heaven...sempre presente nas histórias daquele tempo.


Adriano Carôso disse...

Arthur! Eu não sou muito fã de rock. Aliás não entendo muita coisa sobre o assunto. Mas de você e de Paulo Bono, assim como de Renato Russo, fiquei fã de carteirinha. Se você não fosse flamenguista eu lhe tiraria o chapéu. Você é foda cara!

Anônimo disse...

My dear live in a reality I find it simply incomprehensible. Not a fan of Rock? Is this possible???

Ahhhh my dear Arthur has once again laid the bait and this big bad gringo wolf will take a bite!!!

Casca and the rest wait. Nossa!!! The wolf is coming for sure...hide the women and children, especially the mothers!!!

Rock in Rio, Metallica, Led Zeppelin and numerology...PERFECT!!!

Anônimo disse...

To Rock is to disturb. To Roll is to fuck. Making sense here???? Now Arthur, just what in fact was I doing the entire time I was in Rio?

Anyway...if those of you reading this were blessed enough to experience my presence while I was there in Rio then you know the same thing always happened. You smoked and drank a lot even if this was not in your nature. Your reality was irreversibly altered and you got laid a lot. Coincidence????

Anônimo disse...

Zeppelin IV was the masterpiece or Great Work. It's the standard all musicians have since been judged by. Elvis, the Beatles and Stones only set the foundation while Led Zeppelin built the rest of the temple.
Didn't Jesus tell Peter that he was his ROCK? The message goes far deeper than you have been taught.This is the true church.
Both the Romans and the Hebrew priests hated this. So Jesus was persecuted at Golgotha. Jesus got in the way of BUSINESS. Too many people were clued into the scam. Something had to be done...
Jesus re-introduced to the world how to disturb and how to fuck. Attributes of a true rEVOLutionary. This is the underlying message only the most initiated of us can understand. So go ascend your "Stairway to Heaven". It's definitely not doing what you're told. Remember this...the road of excess always leads to the great palace of wisdom.

Anônimo disse...

Metallica came at the most perfect time. They sold 1 million copies of "Justice for All" before they made a video for MTV. How? It was all done by word of mouth or ear to ear. Yes Metallica was carrying the torch from the the temple of Rock.
I was there for the premiere video showing. All of us old enough to remember were there. It was Midnight and MTV played ONE. It was our time to assault the whores of the false church. Namely Madonna and Paula Abdul.
I saw Metallica 4 times back then. It was a power that can scarcely be described. Tens of thousands stood in unison. We were all possessed by the electricity pulsating through us. However one fan in the front row could not stand so James Hetfield stopped the show...
"Why the fuck aren't you standing????" he demended.
The unfortunate guy in the audience waved his crutches to plead his case. Hetfield admonished him and then the metal mass continued....

Anônimo disse...


Things are best done in divisions of four. This is the base but the true answer is 7. Why 7? Well the american indians were obsessed with 7. They constantly mentioned the 4 cardinal directions but also had to include where you were standing when you acknowledged them. The great up and down. East, west, north and south plus mother earth and father sky. Combine them and then you have the holiest of numbers 7.

Your body represents a sphere much like the planet we live on. Everything is spherical and no illuminati pyramid nor masonic square can trump it. The sphere encompasses all.
Hence the blogosphere. Get it? Hahahahhhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Anyway...a geometry student will also agree with this simple fact. Hence the number 4. Now stand up and look at the ground where you are standing. This is your mother. Now look up at the sky and see your father. We have six and now think of everything and realize the totallity of it all. SEVEN.

Anônimo disse...

To Rock and Roll in a place like Rio de Janeiro is the most subversive of things. Cidade Maravilhosa is dying. This is a fact. Guys like Gay Tom and myself did our best to give you the solution.
The concept of a party. You Brazilians laid the foundation by incorporating fine ambiance with tasty refreshments like you always have. We crazy gringos stood up and honored these attributes by completing the rest of the temple. Everyone understood the totality and we had the number 7. Don't you get it???

The enemy only understands 6. He/she fails to comprehend the totality because there is something always missing in their tormented souls. Hence 666. This is how we know they are a fraud.
On September 18, 2007 his deeds came to fruition. 9-09-2007. Inverted this is 666. The day the american imperial fiat dollar died.

Now please remember what our dear Arthur has written. Inside these words and music lay your salvation. Walk outside and acknowledge the 4 cardinal directions which is the base of the temple. Then realize where your feet are standing. This is where your body has come from. When you look up at father sky you see where you aspire to be. Then think of the totality of it all and you have 7.

The message of truth is always the same. Wake up and understand who you really are. They can send some of us to Golgotha but not all. After reading this you have all instantly graduated to 33rd degree masons.
Ha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Such a joke they are.
Before I go and pass out on my sofa...please down load the song, "Last Goodbye" by Jeff Buckley. We have recently been conditioned to believe rock is finished. This guy Jeff Buckley took it to another level.
The foundation has always been there so now stand and spread your arms. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the sphere encompasses all. God bless the blogsphere...

Cascarravias disse...

o disco do led que mais gosto tamem é esse. mas do metallica, gosto mais do primeiro e do terceiro.

quando li o homem que calculava, na infancia, fiquei espantado por descobrir que a matemática não era monopólio das professoras mais carrascas da escola

Adriano Carôso disse...

Você escreve pra caramba! Sou apaixonado pelas relações numéricas e, Malba Tahan, que por sinal é brasileiro e nunca foi no oriente é foda! Eu adoro!

Jana disse...

"but I have to kill her"

Qdo eu falo que nunca, nunca, NUNCA!! estive no Rio é pq eu fui unica exclusivamente pro Rock and Rio III e nem pisei na areia da praia. Isso não é estar no rio, é? ou eu sou hiper ultra mega hipérbole-ica. Pra mim só significa estar no lugar qdo eu presencio alguém achando uma "cobra com terrível veneno marítimo" ou afins.

Legal sua história com o número 4, mas achei que vc fosse falar mais do Led.

Vivi disse...

Stairway to heaven é uma unanimidade mesmo. Adoro Kashmir e Immigrant song também...

Vivi disse...

HÁ, perfeita a nova descrição do absurdosturos!

Samantha Abreu disse...

poxa... já gosto muito do pouco que conheço do Led (principalmente em comparação à você), e tu ainda me escreve um texto desse, Arthur? Tô com coceira de vontade. Vou correr, descobrir mais os caras.
Adoro numerologia. Embora não tenha motivo evidente, sou nº 6, sempre fui e nele aposto.

um beijo!

Anônimo disse...

de 4 eu também gosto

Anônimo disse...

É isso aí: de 4 é mais gostoso!

Anônimo disse...

pra im qualquer jeito é jeito

Anônimo disse...

"cultura, arte, política e sociedade, sem formalismos"

"Músico, mestre em Sociologia pelo IUPERJ e graduado em Produção Cultural pela UFF. Ir além disso seria inventar algum jargão pessoal, o que muito me deprime".

Anônimo disse...

legal, anônimo, vc sabe usar o control C control V.

Agora, deita, rola e finge de morto.

Anônimo disse...

Rock in Rio in Lisbon is about as a great a blasphemy as there is. Much like Queen Elizabeth II celebrating the defeat of soviet russia on the very site of the SS Potempkin.
She could have done it in Red Square but noooooooooo!!!! QE II had to spread her putrified yeast infected royal cunt over the SS Potempkin...She did it again this year at Jamestown, Virginia.

George W Bush did one great thing as president of these post-national United States. The fucker insulted and humiliated the great yeast infected royal cunt. God...I actually loved the man for it on that day.

Anônimo disse...

After Zeppelin IV came Houses of the Holy...

When I sat there on trial in front of my ex-wife's entire family...there were at least 40 of them there...she accused me of the worst thing possible.
"...his blue eyes, red cheeks and blonde hair may deceive you but underneath, he is really a CARIOCA...."

yes they had discovered the awful truth and I was condemned. Fuckin espirtists... For more than six months I had denied my ex-wife sex. It was my punishment for her. Next, I was thrown upon the ghastly streets of suburban Rio with only a few belongings. I had nothing except a few cases of luggage and Jeff Buckley's cd, GRACE...the cunt even stole 3000 reais of my savings....
My marriage began and ended on Brazilian Valintines day. The irony makes me laugh!

Arthur was one of the first who received the news. Why? Arthur and I had already been through a lot. We had both suffered the humiliating and sadistic ritual hiring practices of Wise Up.
I still remember my first day with Arthur. 3 times he had to pronounce his very anglo-saxon name to our vicious bosses with a very carioca accent. infamous father's name is Arthur! I had to take notice to this young guy...
I will always love the way Arthur pronounced his name. I often call my very own father in the same way..Arrrrchtuuuuuuurah...
and justice for all...." own father has always hated me for the past 36 years of my life. The fucker studied at Harvard and look at me!

To know my father is to know modern history. My father was a close friend with Stokely Carmichael. He is featured in Rage Against the Machine's, Renegades of Funk. My father knew Abbie Hoffman. My father knew the boys who were lynched in Mississippi Burning. My father was seconds away from being in that car with them.
My father was personally ex-commnicated by Pope Paul VI. His sin? My father impregnated a Gregorian nun and had me for a son.
Far worse was both my mother and father's families ex-communicated me from their existance. I was a spawn of satan as far as they were concerned. How could a roman catholic priest and nun have children????

Anônimo disse...

So the connection between me and Arthur goes very deep indeed. He's the brother I never had. Oh Arthur can bash te EUA all he wants, Why? Beacause I have hated the EUA more than he.

The EUA is my home and my home has never appreciated me. Yet things have changed. The prodigal son hath returned. God knows I have broken every law and have commited every sin. I also know god loves this son more than any other...

Anônimo disse...

fuck you stupid gringo!

Anônimo disse...

I have listened so much. I have listened too much.

Arhtur man, there are at least 6000 people who have read this blog and have never made a comment. Think about it.

While I was there, I realized the enormity of evil the militaries sponsered by my government had commited. They took the flower of your generation and had devastated it. You and maybe a dozen of your peers are all that exists.
I listened to their histories. I wanted to cry but could not. I look and speak with many people all over the world. It's always the same thing.

My great sin upon your blog was to say I suffer the same fate. They have got me by the balls. Trapped...
The story of my life has been to escape such things...I am the modern Houdini. Yet my dear Arthur, I dont think I will survive the next adventure.
I live every second of my day for the time when no one can tell any other what to do nor can they tell anyone else what to do. I trust in the spirit of humanity.

God, Arthur..I wish you could come here and experience the rEVOLution for yourself. Only for a few months. I can not guarantee your safety but if you survive and return it to Brasil...I wish you could bring Diogo, Rev, Edu and Casca with you...You're really what's left of carioca culture. You are seeds. I live for the day we all flourish. I hear this in th music of all the greats and I also feel sorry for those who have no idea what i am talking about.

Zeppelin IV and JUSTICE FOR ALL...Well? It was the best we could do considering the circumstances...

Anônimo disse...

Fuck you stupid gringo?..Yes I am a gringo but stupid???

Just read what i have written and then I rest my case...And for my cowardly brazilian friend...explain to me why 99.9% of the brazilains I have met in life have the mentality of a 13 year old. A cultural difference my ass! You have been truly fucked...

Anônimo disse...

I challenge your immortal Casca to a debate at the state univerisity of rio de janeiro. Let them throw tomatos at me. After 15 minutes they will both love and hate me at the same time.
As for casca....he needs to go to the gym for a while. When I show photos of gigi and casca together to my gringo friends...christ, this is revolutionary enough!

Cascarravias disse...

gringo, tua biografia me deixou com os olhos marejados... mas e o quico?

Anônimo disse...

Não só faço contas com todos os números de placas de carros, rg's e dias de aniversário como fico feliz que vc tenha mencionado Malba Tahan.

Alguém disse que Malba T. é Brasileiro e nunca foi ao Oriente. Isso é verdade. O nome dele é João não sei das contas, e ele se tornou Malba Tahan no dia em que meu bisavô, um legítimo libanês e quiromancista, resolveu lhe ensinar algumas histórias de lá...
Uma pena quase ninguem lembrar do bivô...

Mas isso é uma outra história...

Ps.: Que que esse gringo tanto fala???

Diogo Lyra disse...

Pô Burgas, vais ficar de 4 ou vai atualizar esta bodega?!

* um post inédito no FQL?! Ah, duvido...

Unknown disse...

Ainda bem que não te deram uma fita do Amado Batista e um vinil do Waldick Soriano...42.

Anônimo disse...

Thank you :-) take a look this emo boy style on this blog: