
No sábado deste último fim de semana o inferno ganhou mais um ilustre morador. Charlton Heston, o famoso astronauta de Planeta dos Macacos (1968), o vencedor do Oscar de melhor ator em 1959 por Ben-Hur, o Moisés de Os 10 Mandamentos, morreu aos 84 anos, depois de um considerável período de hora extra na Terra.
Podíamos render-lhe uma homenagem por sua contribuição nas épicas obras cinematográficas supracitadas, não fosse a nefasta posição política que este ator assumiu junto a uma das instituições mais obtusas dos Us and A: o partido republicano.
A trajetória de vida de Heston não deixa dúvidas: seu coração batia mesmo no lado direito. Segundo o portal de notícias G1, o ator não hesitava em fazer campanha para candidatos republicanos e por várias vezes opôs-se publicamente a medidas políticas favoráveis aos negros e outras minorias. Não é à toa que o conservador John McCain, candidato à presidência dos EUA, referiu-se a Heston como "um líder na vida real".
Mas a maior mancha de sua carreira, creio, foi o apoio ao direito dos americanos de usar armas, postura que defendeu com unhas e dentes enquanto presidiu, por muitos anos, o NRA – National Rifle Association. Sua frase mais famosa, dirigida aos que apoiavam a proibição do uso de armas de fogo pela sociedade civil, era: “From my dead cold hands!”
No filme Tiros em Columbine, documentário de Michael Moore, não vemos a face do ator-herói em cima de uma biga (como em Ben-Hur), mas sim um senhor de idade que adota posturas bastante reprováveis, como visitar a cidade de Columbine para defender o uso de armas, dias depois do massacre no qual dois jovens estudantes mataram 15 pessoas em uma escola, usando espingardas, pistolas e um rifle semi-automático.
Foi ali que comecei a odiar esta figura, razão pela qual celebro o fim do que considero sua militância contra a vida. Finalmente, poderemos fazer o que o próprio Heston nos aconselhou: tirar as armas de suas mãos frias e mortas.
58 comentários:
e o filadaputa do bush já passou da hora.
excelente texto, arthur.
*tá vendo que quando joga com tranquilidade, o Mengão é foda!
Quando Charlton Heston entrou numas de NRA e outros lances, já sofria de mal de Alzheimer como tem sido vastamente reportado na mídia aqui.
O direito às armas é previsto na quarta emenda da constituição dos EUA. Eram baionetinhas hoje são armas peso-pesado.
Acho triste alguém julgar outro ser humano assim sem mais nem menos e sem conhecimento dos fatos. Estou triste por sua intransigência, 4rthur, sinceramente.
ainda bem que já assisti e gostei de Ben Hur. Senão... sei lá.
Embora eu tenha minhas restrições contra a proibição total de armas, Arthur, acho que a campanha ao lado de republicanos e, principalmente, do demo-bush, provam a total desimportância dada à vida.
Um beijo, querido.
ps: vc tem o dom maravilhoso de tocar em assuntos que ninguém toca. Não vi textos sobre isso na 'blogagem' alheia. Parabéns!
Tina, reparou que você só vem aqui pra defender a "Amérika"? Nem o Garrett faz isso. Da última vez foi o cinema americano, agora é este ator republicano. Estou cagando pra quarta emenda. O uso de pistolas automáticas e demais brinquedinhos por civis só traz consequências trágicas - como o seu país (lhe considero uma americana) cansa de nos demonstrar.
Quer dizer que o mal de Alzheimer de Heston justifica sua posição política? Ele "endoidou", foi isso? Acho que você é quem está de jibberish "sem mais nem menos e sem conhecimento dos fatos".
que se fodam a primeira, a segunda e a enésima emenda. são apenas artículos de uma imensa peça de mau gosto que é a constituição dfos Estadios Unidos Puritanos da América do Norte. mais uma vez: que se fodam. os estadunidenses, suas emendas, seus padrões de civilização e suas armas.
Alzheimer não é desculpa pra apregoar o extermínio de pessoas e defender o direito de matar (é pra isso que serve uma arma, ou algum nra pede o direito à posse de armas pra dependurar na parede?)
hoje é festa na floresta de satan. tem reagan, pinochet, mccarthy e mais uma turminha bem animada bebendo seu bourbon com esse mais novo morador do inferno. filhos da puta.
O falecido deu uma contribuição ímpar ao mundo das artes, em "Ben-Hur", quando falou aquela frase: "Deus me conceda a vingança." Que beleza, aquilo. Bem americano, mas, mesmo assim, com carga dramática, era bonito de se ver. Depois, co'essa história de armas, tsc, tsc, tsc. Sou a favor da vida, mesmo assim, arrisco: já foi tarde. Sou a favor da vida, mas ficarei feliz no dia em que ler nos obituários dos jornais algo falando de Bush e outros manés. Aliás, juntando cinema e mortes, alguém aí viu aquele documentário fake que falava da morte do presidente estadunidense? Mesmo sem pipoca, a sessão no escurinho foi uma delícia. Já foi tarde, Ben-Hur. A tua hora vai chegar, George.
eu acho realmente engraçado. celerados como esse novo defunto defendem com unhas e dentes o direito de se armar e de impor seus padroes (e de usar suas armas pra isso)... e intransigente é quem condena essa atitude (que imagino deva ser considerada índice de tolerancia e pluralismo por parte de seus propagadores).
Particularmente eu achei essa a melhor morte do ano. Contudo, mais que o fim de linha para tal dejeto humano, me chamou a atenção o comentário desta senhora apelidada de Tinovska.
De acordo com ela, o atorzinho da NRA pode ser perdoado por ter adentrado esta facção quando sofria do mal de Alzheimer. Porém, no parágrafo seguinte, ela defende a "legitimidade" - e não só a "legalidade" - do porte de armas com base na quarta emenda.
Logo, seria possível dizer que a quarta emenda é produto de legisladores com mal de Alzheimer!!!
Tina, dá pra ver que você se esforça pra parecer uma filhinha da puta pátria americana. E afirmo que numa coisa você é igualzinha a eles: uma tapada e tanto!
Amigo Garret, por favor, denuncie esta imigrante ilegal às autoridades americanas. Afinal, se é pra viver em um país de ignorantes, que sejam ignorantes legítimos...
falando em ir tarde, p q o maluco do diogo fechou o blog dele???
Pois é, eu melancólica e vc sociologico...rsrs
Fazer o quê?
Não se encontra Arturos em qualquer lugar para inspirar a escrever mais leve... ;)
B.E.I.J.O.S amore!
e as travessuras do menino mau?
Arthur man...it's weird reading your blog when sober. Christ...it's even weirder when I read what I have written totally fucked up on alcohol, maconha and insomnia. Funny stuff too.
I purposely left your blog alone for the last couple of weeks. You have written some good stuff and I didn't want to "contaminate" it. I also wanted to see what the others would contribute. Good job done by all except for that xenophobe Goldenturd of course.
It's only wednesday night and I can't have any fun. Besides, beer is getting just too damn expensive nowadays. I drink the good stuff full of flavor and strong in alcohol content. Sam Adams Boston lager. Not that Miller Genuine Draft shit they drink in Tijuca. Must be a millionaire to drink the Guinness as well.
Anyway...I promise to be back on here sometime this weekend doing what I normally do.
Heston? Yeah he's dead but very few noticed up here. Just another Actor like Reagan. Now we have this Austrian usurper named Awwwwnawwwld in Kalifornia. All actors willing to do anything for the money and the illusion of power. Puxa sacos in truth.
Diogo man...I promisse to do some serious ameriKa bashing this weekend. It'll even make casca proud.
What's it all about? NATIONALIST INDIGENOUS MOVEMENTS no matter what form they may have. Arthur here whether he knows it or not is part of the Brazilian Nationalist Indigenous Movement. You have no idea how the enemy hates people like us.
Who is the enemy here in the western hemisphere? Rockefeller Inc. Who represents Rockefeller Inc in Brazil? Roberto Rodrigues. Rockefeller is the boss of bosses. The Godfather. Rodrigues answers to no one in Brazil but Rockefeller Inc. Both Bush and your oligarchs are terrified of him.
American Elections: Who is Insane McCain's chief advisor? Kissinger. Who is Hillary's? Bush sr. Who is that Afro-Aryan Obama's chief advisor? Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Who have all 3 of these "advisors" always worked for? Rockefeller Inc. Casca already knows this fact despite his chronic laziness. Shit...tio osama and the Chinese work for Rockefeller Inc. Over in Europe they answer to the House of Rothschild, Windsor and the Vatican. This is the real mafia.
I know at first it's difficult but you all must stop looking at the USA in an abstract way. Stop believing what the TV says and know both Chomsky and Moore are only telling half-truths. The USA is not much different from Brazil. Ok, your women are much better looking...Shit, we have more police in ameriKa than beautiful women.
Don't forget about next Wednesday, either. Hope the macumbeiros light it up in suburbio like they always have. I love that Johnny Cash photo, man. The "middle finger salute" is the universal symbol representing all Nationalist Indigenous Movements. As of mid-day of yesterday the USA finally has a genuime movement of it's own. "....yo yo we F'REAL yo!!!!"
Cara, você pode até não gostar dos 10 mandamentos, mas lembra do gesto dele, Moisés,dividindo as águas. E deve procurar ajuda profissional se não gostar da corrida de bigas em Ben-Hur. E da cena da praia, no final do Planeta, vendo a Estátua da Liberdade enterrada derretida na areia. Só por esses breves momentos, Heston está eternizado na minha, na sua e nas cabeças de todos. É com a sua arte que o artista se exprime melhor. Ligo muito pouco para o que um artista fala ou faz fora dela. Aliás, alguém aqui quer saber qual é a opinião política do Ronaldinho Gaúcho? Eu não. Eu quero é gol. E, em geral, acho antipático quem chuta cachorro morto. Mesmo assim, estou com a Tinovska e a Samantha. É isso aí, meninas.
Quando li o título e vi a foto, pensei que quem tinha ido havia sido o Bush. Fiquei muito feliz, mesmo...
Mas serve o Charlton Heston também.
tá se vendo que não é só cabelo que falta na tua cabeça, senhor careca
What the fuck is this shit???? The brazilian anonimo (edu goldenturd) has assaulted both Paulo Bano and Careca. For what reason, Edu? What have these 2 guys done??? Yes please get Daniella to translate for you what I am saying. A Brazilian lawyer (ninguem merece) who does not speak English...fuckin' pathetic. To think you could learn the language of the world for free when you had the chance.
Edu is the wrost. He even makes Casca look like a saint. Arthur...so help me god but I am going to destroy that bastard and take his prostitute girlfriend despite the fact she is totally ruined.
Arthur man...I am very tired. I will be back tomorrow night/sunday morning. I am going to leave many comments about life in the USA. I have much to say but need more energy. It will be the mother of all rants. I also bought 24 bottles of Guinness beer for the occasion.
On guiness number 7. Rage's "Killing in the Name" has just begun on my mp3. Synchronicity perhaps???? I also have 7 speakers surrounding my room and too much power to feed them. Need more speakers...
Man, your band does an excellent version of "Bull's on Parade" but who in the hell was the camera operator? It had better be your vocalist's bitch because if it was your's then you're in deep shit. I kept asking myself the whole time where in the fuck was Arthur????
"....Fuck You..I won't do what you tell me..Fuck you..I won't do what you tell me...MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!"
Don't worry Paulo Bono, my friend. You are everything Edu Goldenturd is not. You even have a soul. Just stay away from bitches that shake a lot of ass from Volta Redonda.
Wanna make a difference, Casca? You fuckin' fraud of an intellectual! Go after your Roberto Rodrigues. Go for his throat like a pitbull poisoned by steroids. You may not live long but you'll at least have my eternal adoration. The same also goes for you 7000 vistors of Turos who only read but never say a god damn thing.
Arthur man...gimme the link to Dona Grossa's blog. At least 100 of our colleagues are begging for REVENGE. Send me in man. It'll be like christmas, the 4th of July, new years eve and everyones birthday party combined.
When will I ever return to Brazil? It'll be shortly after October of 2011. By then Dani will have turned 40 and seen the LIGHT. I will take her and the rest of my harem of 30 or so beautiful brasileira morenas to a very large piece of land outside of Petropolis.
Plenty of Itaipava beer for all guests and on special occasions we'll serve Bohemia. Yes yes yes...there will be tons of maconha grown nearby. Any trouble then you'll have to deal with an entire arsenal of automatic weaponry. Dare to dream folks and god help anyone trying to stop me...
ahhhh...Hal & Oates's "Rich Girl" is now playin' on the mp3. Total synchronicity. Dona Grossa...let Justice Be Done! Sorry Casca man, but your future bride must be severely punished.
Christ man...I could have had her on several occasions. Just one more chopp would have done it. I would have spanked that horridly mis-shapin ass for all of us. Could have had Edu's Dani on many occasions but opted for Marcella and Fernanda sandalinha first. If you're gonna be stupid then you must wait, Dani darlin'.
The last time I spoked to our Fernanda, she told me Dona Grossa was flagrantly flirting with that troll Edu right in front of Dani. Ninguem Merece...
"Spoked"..damn...11 bottles of Guinness stout beer are taking effect...
Ok this was all just a warm-up. Want some serious ameriKa bashing folks???? Want me to talk trash about my beloved USA???? I know you are all in the mood and yes finalley...SO AM I.
It all begins when my landlord and I decided to go out and drink at the local bar one night. Our lil' bar was closed though. Yes the same bar that had at least a 100 single blondes drinking inside. SACANAGEM...
So we decided to go to another local bar. Man...I was convinced it was a Gay Bar. 80 men sat around watching college basketball while drinking hideous Yuengling pilsner beer.
"What's up with this? Is this a 'sausage fest' or what????" my landlord asked out loud...
It was much worse. Typical american bar. 80 men and after scanning the surroundings, only 6 blondes. Do the math but once you add me into the equation along with 2 hundred glasses of beer...things got UGLY.
What little I could remember was 12 guys were watching one nasty looking blonde playing "video poker". Yeah she had a nice body but she had an aurora of lowliness much like a Copacabana street whore from Minas. Pre-Edu days for Dani.
"....dudes, this is fuckin' pathetic!" I finally said out loud.
"There are places in the world where you actually have a choice!"
Next thing I could remember was my landlord hauling me out of the bar with 12 very angry men deperately wanting to kill me very close behind...
Next, like a bunch of drunken maniacs, we drove to the local Waffle House for a 3am breakfast. I ordered many eggs with hash-browned potatos. Like an idiot I decided to pour a litre's worth of tobasco sauce all over my breakfast. After a couple of minutes my landlord was convinced I had become a demon.
"....dude, your face is totally red and so are your eyes..."
Sure enough when I went to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror, I realized he was right. Arthur man...you know how red my face can get but equally red eyes????? Exu had returned!
When I sat back down I instantly noticed 4 single women sitting behind us. This would be a lottery winning ticket except I am in AmeriKa now. They were all very fat.
The USA has 150 million women but 148 million of them are at least 50 kilos over-weight. Imagine 148 million Michael Moore's with tits...
It's true...the USA has become a nation of cowardly demon pigs. A fact I can not defend. The only beautiful women I see are on tv.
Policemen are everywhere lookin' for me. They instinctively know I am the enemy. I have had too much fun, you know?
Bush can not be stopped and it's why he is always laughing. The Democrats have become much worse. Bush wants to bomb Iran but both Hillary and Obama want to bomb everyone else.
The worst economic depression is coming and everyone is watching american idol. I no longer trust anyone with a college education. Ironically, they all remind me of casca. Full of university credentials but equally full of shit.
I still ask everyone I meet about our Apollo Missions going to the moon though. Well over 90% are convinced we haven't but those bastards with college degrees still beleive anything they are told. See what I am gettin' at????
Listening to some very rare live DOORS bootleg recordings. Yeah...that's me again. Same voice...same insanity...same rants.
"...You're all a bunch of slaves!!!! The whole shit-house is goin' down but I'm still gonna have my kicks before it's all over!!!!!"
Miami 1969 repeated. No one listened then and no one is listening now.
...heyyyyy Jim! Play, Light My Fire!!!!
Fuck you all!!!!! Mister mojo-risin ...mister mojo-risin...got to keep ridin' ridin'
Fuck, Arthur man...you're Robby Krieger re-incarnated. Can you still keep up? I know you miss it as much as I do!
L.A. Woman L.A. Woman L.A. Woman...you're my kinda woman....
Arthur man..I hope this very young girl, Mallu Magalhaes doesn't become gay like every Brasileira with a good voice. What the fuck is that all about anyway? Ok, I can never take lesbianism seriously. Neither could Dani and I when talking to Fernanda sandalinha outside the "fumodromo" in Tijuca. Quite a menage a trois, eh?
Ms. Magalhaes appreciates the music of Dylan, Cash, Elvis and the Beatles. Who doesn't except for Edu in Tijuca...
Mp3 is still crankin full blast. David Bowie is shriekin'..."I'm afraid of americans. am afraid of the world...am afraid I can't help it...I'm afraid of americans...."
Yeah Bowie man...I feel the same.
"....GOD is an american...."
We're doomed.
The other night I was talking to my good friend Norman from Boston. He was there last month when the shit went down in Colombia. Soldiers everywhere and the Colombians hate Venezuelans as much as you Brazilians hate Argentinians. A bad scene but Norman soon discovered he liked very large negras...
So the question finally was asked...
"What the fuck are you gonna do, Garrett???? You're a gypsy but are you gonna abandon your country again and go to New Zealand or Costa Rica like everyone else? Not your style man but you're not gonna stay on the beach when the Tsunami fianlly arrives, either...."
Norman was right but what the fuck am I gonna do? I won't run. I am not an idiot like everyone else stayin' on the beach with a massive tsunami comin'. What to do? Answer: Grab a board and GO SURFING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photographs...I hate them. Yeah, I am ugly but also don't like the fact I look 10 kilos heavier every time one of me is taken.
Ever look at the eyes of people photographed a hundred years ago? Their gaze burns into the camera lens. They are so fuckin' ALIVE!!!
What disturbs me the most is looking into a girl's eyes like Gigi and I see nothing. Doll's eyes. Death. What the fuck happened???? Is this the face of a modern woman? Completely mindless with a total lack of responsibility???
How bad is it up here?
"...send me lawyers, guns and money...dad, get me out of this! Send me lawyers guns and money 'cause the shit has hit the fan!!!!"
None the less I still fight on. What other choice is there? Yeah, I am seriously going after Roberto Rodrigues. Partly because it'll save tens of millions of lives in the future plus expose the great scam. Another reason is to see how many experts and people of prominanace out there are too lazy, egotistical and cowardly to not go after a guy like Mr. Rodrigues. It's not like Casca has anything more important to do...
Remember this casca and friends...ask not what America can do for you but what you can do for Brassssssiiiilllll!!!!!!
So there Lula was the other day, denouncing those evil gringos for all of Brazil's problems. Sorry folks but I no longer believe this kind of bullshit. I am no longer a liberal self-hating white man. I am now ME.
Bio-fuels...primarily ethanol is a massive disaster which will lead to the death of millions and unspeakable ecological ruin. The Bush family owns Lula's paraiba ass. We have Roberto Rodrigues to thank for it. You've been sold out. You've been "had".
While watching o seu Presidente speaking..."campanheirothhhhhs" I couldn't help but know I was at least responsible for the UN to question Lula in the first place. It was me who helped ruin the Lula-Chavez thing.
Poor Hugo woke up one morning, read my stuff translated into Spanish and freaked out. Totally surrounded by the Gringos!!!! What to do now??!!!???
Brasileirothhhhsss...get off the fuckin beach (90% of cariocas do not know how to swim. What the fuck????) and do something!!!
Dude, you have this Bianca feijo and all of these other chics calling you "amore". FUCK!!!!!!
OK...lets have a serious diplomatic discussion. We want 10 million of your most beautiful and single women. In exchange you can have 1 million of our very best engineers. It will both restore the sexo/romantic equilibrium here in America and finally bring "Ordem e Progresso" to Brazil. Deal?
Ok it's gettin' late and I am gettin' hungry for another tobasco breakfast. The beer supply has also been severely diminshed. Time to end this long rant with a song written by Bob Dylan but better sung by Pearl Jam's, Eddie Vetter.
I dedicate it to the Rockefellers of the world who have fucked us all over. Fucked us over so badly that most of us don't even know it. "Masters of War".
There is a stanza in the song that has haunted me for many years. First I must ask you all this one simple question; How many of you under the age of 40 have no children? Please raise your hands...I see thousands. Hell, I see millions.
"Come ye Masters of War...
You've thrown the WORST fear
That can ever be hurled
The FEAR to bring children
Into this world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
Miracles happen Arthur. This past Wednesday evening I sat outside smoking a cigarette and having a beer. Then a giant RV with a huge American Flag parked itself in front the house. It was Linda Hunnicutt's Granny Warrior "Freedom Wagon".
Out of it came a few people streching and relaxing after a long day's travel from Washington DC. We introduced ourselves and shook hands. Linda looked at me, grunted and then growled... Next there was her monkey named, Buddy.
Many generations from today they will ask how the 2nd Great American Revolution really began. It all happened when the local S.W.A.T. team came to arrest Buddy the Monkey because new laws and regulations deemed him to be "illegal".
Buddy was saved though. The US Constitution saved him. It's a long beautiful story and you should all hear it sometime.
The US Constitution may be only a few pieces of silly paper to you Brazilians but for we Americans it's everything. Without it we are nothing. The US Constitution says we are guaranteed the god given RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION. Everyday our enemies try to take this god-given right away.
Thanks to Buddy the Monkey we now have a Nationalist Indigenous Movement of our own. These movements are happening all over the world. Nationalist Indigenous Movements are in fact extentions of an indivdual's right to self-determination no matter who they are or where they are in the world.
This Revolution is about taking personal responsibility. It's about honoring those who came before us and making it better for those who will come after. Decendants n' Ancestors or DNA.
Do you all know where Buddy the Monkey was born? Brazil...
ncrível. duzias e mais dúzias de parágrafos pra desejar mais uma vez arrogâbcia, prepotência e a dose habitual de auto engano sobre conhecer as questões e as soluções a respeito do brasil melhor que os brasileiros.
pra mim a parte mais curiosa dessa bobageira toda é a manobra pra se considerar "fazendo a daiferença" o comportamento de encher a cara escrevendo besteira em um computador nas noites de fim de semana. nós somos todos inocentes manipulados na escuridão. o gringo clarividente faz a diferença entulhando caixa de comentário com sabedoria de internet.
Prezado Arthur,
Heston foi, sem sombra de dúvidas, um grande ator.
Moore, um homem admirável, pegou pesado com Charlton na entrevista. O cara estava muito velho e doente.
Um forte abraço!
Casca man...I admire you. I really do. Beating after beating and you still return for more. Well...it's Wednesday night and I am here. What?
I am going to tell you some amazing things now, Casca. For a while I actually felt sorry for you. First, do you know what gringos call Brazilians with Phd's? Favelados. Truth hurts doesn't it?
Go ahead Casca man...feel pompous and self-righteous. Feel superior to the diaristas who must clean your shit every day. Quote Chomsky and Zinn. Denounce American imperialism while listening to Jimi Hendrix and discussing Michael Moore. Ignore the dead teen-age negrinhos you pass every morning to whatever joke of a job you have. Like a typical Brazilian I am sure you are always late.
Blame us for the total failure Brazil has always been. Continue with your delusions. Blame us for the dog shit you accidentally step on and the garbage strewn upon your streets. Until some caipira soldier from Tennessee is pointing a gun at your face, I see no basis for your complaints.
Yes Casca...I have every moral right and obligation to tell you what is wrong with your country. I also can tell you the solutions. Try taking some responsibility for once. You may find it revolutionary. Also please for the love of god, stop pouring farofa on your food. Farofa de Mente...Farofa da Alma...Farofa do Brasil...
Who the fuck are you to criticize my country? What credence or moral authority do you have? What does Zinn or Jimi Hendrix tell you to say? How many Americans do you personally know? What gives you the audacity to say anything negative about the USA without first looking out your own shitty apartment window and staring at yourself fat bellied self in the mirror?
How many years did you study MY language so you could make more money than your favelado neighbors? How much money did you WASTE while sitting in English class? How many hours do you spend watching our movies and television programs with the help of portuguese sub-titles? How much of what I am writing do you really understand. Have you ever used present perfect or phrasal verbs? A whole universe of knowledge can be found on the internet but you are too lazy to read English.
I have got some real news for you Casca man. Your heros Chomsky, Zinn and Moore never want to see the USA become like Brazil. It's their greatest fear and mine too.
Who the fuck are you? Where is your sense of self-worth? What are your plans to make Brazil a better place? Do you even have any concept of patriotism or civic responsibility? When was the last time you have ever felt grateful and happy for being a Brazilian? When some poor guy scored a goal during a game for girls?
Explain to me why your best and brightest must leave Brazil for a better future? Why do millions of brazilians emigrate to the USA? Please explain? Please tell me something I do not know? Who the fuck are you?
You know what Casca? I am going to add many more paragraphs to Arthur's blog all night long until the dawn finally arrives. I have the coffee brewing as I type this.
Afterwards, I will do something you have never done your entire life...work an entire 10 hour day. I will even arrive on time. It'll will be a difficult day of work like it always is. I will do my job well and accomplish impossible tasks. Do you even know what this is like? I will also give my boss hell!
It's wednesday night going on thursday morning, Casca. Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you Casca? When was the last time you got into a real fight? When was the last time you punched someone in the face or had the same happen to you? When was the last time you defended your HONOR? Do you even know what honor is?
Gigi actually complimented you but where was casca to defend HER HONOR when I began to attack? Only Arthur defended her.
This is why I can fuck your women, your daughters, your mothers, your sisters, your primas, your friends and the girl you like sitting on the bus. This is why I can fuck them and forget about them the next morning only to fuck more Brazilian girls.
This is why I can come to your country and take whatever I want and never say thank you or apologize. This is why the worst insult a gringo can say is to call you a Brazilian.
Where is your honor, Casca? Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you, Casca? Please explain to me this one simple fact. We destroyed both Germany and Japan but look at those countries now. Please explain to me why Brazil is still the stupid fat kid in the classroom of nations?
Explain to me why your best universities can not even compare to our lowliest of community colleges? Explain to me the holes in the walls, the millions of wild dogs and cats freely running around your campuses? Explain to me why you must use Xerox copies instead of real books? Explain to me how you even achieved a university degree?
When the nation of Bulgaria has better test scores than we do in the USA then it becomes a national crisis. When does it become a crisis in Brazil? When a country such as Haiti has better scores?
How many Brazilian negroes attend your classes, Casca when they comprise 40% of the population? How many Negroes speak English in Brazil? How many Negroes have their own personal cars? How many Negroes own condos in Urca, Ipanema and LebRon? How many Negro friends do you have, Casca? Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you, Casca? Why don't YOU write many paragraphs on Arthur's blog? Are you afraid to express yourself or do you actually have nothing to say? Do you think I care what all of these people who pretend to ignore me on TUROS think???? Who gives a fuck, casca? Your blog sucks, Casca. Why can't you make it more interesting?
Why don't you try challenging me in a real intellectual debate? Can you? You know, like using real facts and knowledge you have gained over all those years of studying Zinn and Chomsky?
Oh, I am sure you'll have something stupid to say less than 4 lines long after I write all of this. At least you don't hide like Edu Goldenturd does...
Why can't I say my opinions about Brazil, Casca? What gives you the right to say I can not? Where are your fellow countrymen to defend you and your country, Casca?
Does it offend you to know I love Brazil more than you do? Have you ever considered how or why? Guess how many times I was asked why in the fuckin' hell I wanted to live in Brazil? I heard it all day and everyday.
My Answer? It's a beautiful place but why do you hate your own country so much? Explain to me Casca, why you hate Brazil so much? I am sure it's less difficult than explaining why you love it.
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you, Casca? Have both you and Edu ever bothered to ask Arthur why he allows me to bash you guys on a regular basis? Have you both ever considered Arthur and probably many others enjoy reading it???? Haaaaa!
Casca it's a terrible thing for an American to criticize a foreigner's ability to speak English. Only uneducated caipiras do this. I will never criticize your English or anyone else's on here. I must say one thing though, Casca. Edu is right, YOU'RE PORTUGUESE IS SHIT!
You and the others can insult me in Portuguese all you want. I may read it or I may not. Life is short, you know?
However, I will instantly read everything written in English. So will those other visitors living in 220 countries all over the world, Casca. Or are you even more afraid of this..."My God, some guy in Lithuania thinks my English is shit! BUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
No Casca...some guy in Lithuania will know you're an idiot too.
Arthur man...write it all in English. Fuck what Edu thinks! Don't take his path to no where. Believe me, the whole world will understand what you're saying despite any mistakes you may make. You won't be insulting Brazil or it's culture, either. Quite the opposite...
So Casca...what the fuck is your problem? Do you hate God because you were not born an American? I also want to visit this America you know so much? Where is it? Is it somewhere in Barra or is it next to Disneyland?
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you, Casca? A Brazilian Political Scientist? Easiest subject in the world to study. 400 years of taking it in the ass and probably 400 more.
I'd love to know what you think about our American presidential elections. Please...do tell??? You're the expert, aren't you? Who is it going to be? Who do you like most? It's BBB on 152 different channels!
Hillary and her abilty to lie everyday of her life and get away with it? She has such a noble husband too. What woman wouldn't want to be married to him?
Insane McCain and his yellow teeth? At least he's the most honest. He says we'll have our imperial legions in Iraq for 100 years plus bombing the shit out of everyone else.
What do you think of Obama, Casca? I hear he's the Brazilian favorite. Please tell me the kind of hope and change his administration will bring. I still have no fuckin' idea...
Do you think things are going to be different here in the USA, Casca? Or do you imagine the most awesome war machine in human history can be commanded by someone smarter than Bush? Should we all be scared?
Casca, do you try to impress your colleagues with the knowledge I have freely given you on here? Fine Casca but I am still waiting to learn something new from you. I know things are much slower in Brazil but damn...one entire year?
Hey Casca, why is Bush on brazilian tv more than Lula? What do you think of Lula's connection to Bush? You like the free rice and beans too? How are those paraibas slaving away on the sugar-cane plantations? You fighting for them everyday or are you just too busy writing your thesis about Bismark, Napoleon III and the entire history of the USA? Mannnn...who the fuck are you????
Casca, who the fuck are you? It's 5am on a Thursday morning and I am perfectly sober. I've probably written more in the last few hours than you have in the last 10 years. How could all of this be possible?
I am waitng for you, Casca. Hope to see you before I go to work. Maybe you can help clarify some things I have asked these past few hours.
Do you think I am only picking on you and Edu? I pick on every shit eating maggot I meet in the blogoshere. What amazes me is they are no different from you. They have the same over-inflated egos. I must ask where and how can you possess such arrogance? I am relentless and can not stop because I really do enjoy it. Makes me so fuckin' high!
I know I know I know...despite the fact of what I am saying is all true both Casca and Edu can still get better pussy than I do. (Ok Edu has to pay for it and then sends Arthur the photos) Where is the Justice????
Arthur man, when I first saw Edu and Dani together, I wanted to take a picture. That one photo alone would ignite the biggest revolution in human history. If you have one please send it because I need all the help I can get up here right now!
Casca, you are NOTHING because I say so. There is nothing you can do about it, either. You have been like a 5 year old fighting Bruce Lee.
Arthur man...you should have warned him. I also want everyone to know Casca began this fight. Go read Arthur's earlier articles.
He'll return for more punishment though. That's my Casca.
Arthur man... I had the most incredible conversation with the ex a couple of days ago. It was very civil and thought provoking. I AM STILL MARRIED TO HER!!!! WHAT THE FUCK???!!!! So I can't even call her my ex.
She promissed to get a divorce soon because she wants to marry some other gringo. I really don't care though. Marriage or no marriage as far as I am concerned the 365 days between June 12, 2002 and June 12, 2003 never happened.
So for my birthday I became one year younger. I am 36 again.
Ok casca, I need to go to work. Yeah I'll probably be on here this weekend. What the fuck are you going to do about it too???? Nothing of course.
Mr. Garrett St James, have you celebrated São Jorge's day together with your birthday yesterday? Tell me something: is this a big ass coincidence or your last name St James is because of the April 23rd?
About the neverending discussions here, I'd like to say one thing: I let you write in here and I like reading what you write because I'm interested - among other things - in how the enemy thinks. You're not my enemy, of course, but it's obvious that the way you see some things is completely influenced by the ideology of the country that you were born. Same shit happens to me. So let's get the ball rolling, after all this is only the 50th comment...
quem deu comida pro Mogwai depois de meia noite?
Eu realmente acho maçante ter que ler bobagens em qualquer língua. Chego a me preocupar com a possibilidade de que há no mundo pessoas como Garret falando mandarim, chinês, alemão, português ou mesmo francês. E eu sei que há.
Este americano verborrágico, comentarista deste espaço que ainda acho ser um fake, comete o mesmo erro que cometeria um huno ao dizer que sua pátria é melhor e blá-blá-blá só porque vivemos os últimos 80 anos sob hegemonia norte americana. O eixo está mudando. Mas eu deixo ele falar, apenas desprezo e está resolvido.
Mas eu odeio marra de moleque frouxo e recomendo distância a neguinho racista(curiosa expressão) que pensa que pode cantar de galo e faltar ao respeito com "nossas" mulheres ou quem quer que seja alegando "superioridade".
Garret eu não bato boca com cuzão. Vem pra dentro que eu te quebro na porrada se você abrir essa bocarra e salpicar de merda meus ouvidos. Pega o jatinho e marca o duelo no nove pra eu te fazer comer areia e depois dar um bom mergulho.
Pode-se discordar das posições de Charlton Heston, mas não se pode ignorar que ele representa a opinião da maioria dos americanos, todos republicanos ou simpatizantes, tanto que elegeram Bush e ainda aprovam seu governo. A cultura, a origem e a formação do americano é própria, como também o foi a nossa. Nós outros ficamos aqui a contestar o que não conhecemos nem vivemos, analisando sob nosso ponto de vista, geralmente caolho. Não concordo com o ponto de vista de Heston,nem de Bush, nem com hegemonia norte americana, mas aceito que Heston tenha tido a coragem de dizer o que sente e pensa, ao contrário de muitos hipócritas, politicamente corretos da boca pra fora, mas com sentimentos fascistas na intimidade.O Brasil não permite o uso de armas e é o país sul americano onde mais se morre por arma de fogo.Então, deixemos o moralismo de lado e critiquemos a história e suas consequências. Só que, para isso, precisamos conhecê-la.As opiniões aqui são democráticas e não é necessária essa agressão a quem não comunga o mesmo pensamento do autor do texto e seus adeptos.
Ok, Lauro, mas entender não significa ter que aceitar. As escolhas da coletividade podem ter uma raiz na história dessa mesma coletividade mas não podem ser utilizadas como base para "justificar" nada.
Who controls the present now?
Outra coisa, eu quero agredir o Garret e não a nação americana.
Take it easy.
politicamente correto é achar que qualquer um tem o direito de expressar seus sentimentos, por mais abjetos que sejam, e que ainda por cima deve-se respeitar esse tipo de gente, por dizerem o que pensam.
Nao, fascistas, nazistas, racistas e congêneres nao devem ter direito a se expressar, e nem merecem qualquer tipo de respeito ao fazerem isso. entre outras coisas, pq seus valores e idéias, ao serem respeitados, comprometem a própria liberdade. ninguem pode ser livre pra apregoar a opressao, e nao há justificativa que legitime publicamente a defesa de tamanho individualismo pernicioso.
pra debater com esse jumento, primeiro ele precisa admitir que toda essa empáfia que ele ostenta é construida em cima de espantalhos, verdadeiros bonecos que ele criou pra se entreter batendo em questoes que so existem na cabeça dele. discutir com ele é como querer convencer uma mula empacada a andar através de argumentos... simplesmente nao tem sentido.
eu gostaria de agredi-lo, bem como a toda a naçao estadunidense (menos uma meia duzia, tipo o zack de la rocha, o jello biafra e o greg graffin).
Henrique e Casca. Quero dizer que concordo com ambos, até porque penso a mesma coisa e deixei isso bem claro no comentário anterior. O que eu quis dizer, no entanto, é que os fatos desmentem a lógica. Algumas pessoas assumem suas posições, mesmo incorretas, injustas e hipócritas abertamente porque acreditam nisso, permitindo que debatamos com ela.Assim, podemos expressar nossa indignação e nossa opinião contrária, fundamentados em argumentos que, se forem melhores podem criar uma nova realidade.Se vc entrar nos diversos blogs da internet e ler os comentários de anônimos vai perceber que fascismo, racismo e intolerância é mais comum do que se pensa.Direito de se expressar todos têm, gostem ou não.Isso não quer dizer que tenhamos que concordar. Mas é melhor enfrentar o inimigo conhecido do que o dissimulado, aquele que lhe diz o que vc quer ouvir e age ao contrário.Se a origem histórica dos fatos não justifica nada, pelo menos explica, o que já é um grande passo para se criar bases para um novo pensamento.Não são os declaradamente fascistas que comprometem a liberdade, mas a fome, a desigualdade, a ignorância, o descaso, geralmente gerados em sistemas humanistas e democráticos, a tal hipocrisia, tão nociva e corrosiva que esconde o que de pior encerra a alma humana.
concordo com o que voce aponta como origens mais concretas das ameaças ä liberdade. Nao chegaria ao ponto de dizer que nascem nos regimes mais humanistas e democráticos, pois estes seriam motivos razoáveis para exclui-los dessas categorias, mas vá lá.
E^sses celerados têm o direito de se expressar de fato, pois os mecanismos de controle sao ineficientes, mas a rigor eles nao possuem esse direito legitimamente: existem restricoes legais ao seu discurso. Francamente nao sei como poderiam existir mecanismos institucionais pra que o controle disso fosse mais rigoroso, mas no mínimo serve como dique pra impedir que toneladas de publicacoes e associacoes portadoras destes valores comecem a botar a cara - e captar vultosos recursos pra suas campanhas asquerosas, sabemos que existe uma simbiose eterna entre estes grupos e os grandes amontoados de recursos. O exemplo mais eloquente foram as SS no periodo pre-III Reich, quando agiam como 'um bando de jovens extremistas', e financiados pelo grande capital industrial e financeiro alemao, fizeram o 'serviço sujo' sem que os Krupp ou os Thyssen precisassem sujar as maos.
realmente é melhor quando as posiçoes sao declaradas, mas existe uma grande variedade de posturas que nao sao costumeiramente declaradas, compoem o rol de atitudes habituais, e nem por isso devem ficar fora dos filtros que estabelecemos pra traduzir tais atos com relacao a nossos proprios valores.
ao fim e ao cabo, o critério pra distinguir a legitimidade ou os valores, é a prática. o discurso é elaboraçao ideológica que serve como indicativo. A lenga lenga liberal de que "discordo de suas idéias mas luto ate a morte pra que tenhas o direito de defende-las" nao passa disso, palvrório oco. como poderíamos defender ideias de intolerancia, que incluem entre outras coisas belas como o exterminio, a restricao de grupos inteiros quanto a defesa de seus interesses?
Então concordamos. Qdo me refiro aos governos humanistas e democráticos claro que estou sendo irônico.Mas é aí que reside a hipocrisia, o falso pensamento, e o comportamento politicamente correto que se situa no discurso e não na prática.Existem hoje, sob o manto da internet, do anonimato e da clandestinidade milhares de movimentos com características nazistas, facistas, racistas e autoritárias. São milhões e milhões de pessoas, chocando um ovo de serpente. Portanto, melhor um politicamente incorreto declarado que essa multidão de dissimulados.
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