
Sempre tive uma birra com o Canecão. Mesmo estando localizado em terreno da UFRJ, e pagando um aluguel irrisório, eles insistem em cobrar preços exorbitantes para os shows. Durante uma época, não aceitavam minha carteirinha de estudante por ser do Mestrado, como se mestrando não fosse estudante (aliás, foi a época em que mais estudei na vida).
Atualmente, por conta de uma política de democratização cultural, é possível comprar ingressos a 20 reais (10 estudante) mas só no próprio dia, chegando uma hora antes da bilheteria abrir. E pra sentar num lugar péssimo Como eu disse à Gigi, é como assistir um show numa poltrona da classe econômica da TAM, com os joelhos batendo na da frente. E a ruiva, loucamente apaixonada pelo da Viola, comprou ingresso Rayovac: setor AAA. Com direito a bafo de Elton Medeiros no cangote.
Ao adentrar o grande Caneco, eis que o céu desaba numa chuva torrencial. E nós felizes pra cacete, protegidos pelas grossas paredes da casa de show, ouvindo Paulinho cantar “não sou em quem me navega, quem me navega é o mar” enquanto a tempestade inundava a cidade de São Sebastião.
Naturalmente que não me propus a ficar nas apertadas poltronas, e fui com minha bonita assistir de pé o show. A banda é afinada e o cenário é ótimo, ficando à mercê da iluminação que faz com que cada música tenha uma cor, indo do vermelho de Coração Leviano ao azul de Dança da Solidão, passando pelo verde, pelo laranja, e daí por diante. O modelo Acústico MTV, apesar de desgastado, não influi muito num show de samba, mantendo violões, cavaquinhos e instrumentos percussivos. E a serenidade do Paulinho, que já debati aqui, faz com que qualquer apreciador de samba se deixe levar pelas suas harmonias descomplicadas e por seus singelos versos.
Sábado: The Police no Maracanã
Confesso que, apesar de gostar de futebol, vou muito pouco ao Maracanã. De modo que todo o perrengue para entrar no gramado no dia do show do The Police (havia algumas dezenas de milhares de pessoas fazendo o mesmo) fica pra trás quando se avista o gigante anel do estádio repleto de gente. Melhor ainda é quando isso acontece ao som de uma boa banda de rock – no caso, falo dos Paralamas, pra mim uma das poucas bandas de rock dos anos 80 que não estragou a própria carreira nas décadas subseqüentes.
Alguns podem achar estranha esta opinião, mas acho que Herbert, que nunca foi um grande cantor, está mais afinado do que antes do acidente que lhe confinou à cadeira de rodas. A banda continua indefectível – aliás, os músicos do Paralamas também se diferenciam de seus colegas da geração BRock por serem excelentes instrumentistas. E a forte influência do The Police fica clara, especialmente nas canções mais antigas.
Falando nos coroas britânicos, Sting, Andy Summers e Stuart Copeland, embora não demonstrem tanta “química” juntos, ainda conseguem animar milhares de pessoas com seus hits inesquecíveis. Há excessos nos solos de Summers (o cara não é nenhum Clapton para dar uma de guitarrista virtuose), mas a voz de Sting continua afinada e as viradas de Copeland continuam bem azeitadas. Mas o impressionante mesmo são os nababescos telões e a iluminação dos caras. E, claro, erram, como sempre erram nestes portentosos eventos, os organizadores e produtores por não facilitar o acesso da galera do gramado às bebidas, gerando enormes filas nos poucos postos de venda.

Segunda-feira: Maria Rita no Rival
Este show da Maria Rita foi a última gravação do programa Palco MPB de 2007, onde artistas cantam suas músicas intercaladas com conversas descontraídas mediadas pelo apresentador do programa. Fui crente que meu nome estaria na lista de convidados. Não estava, mas o porteiro me deixou entrar mesmo assim (terá sido por pena?). A porta do teatro Rival estava abarrotada de gente que queria ver e ouvir a filha de Elis. Destacavam-se alguns grupos de mulheres ensandecidas, que gritavam histericamente durante o show da cantora como se estivessem diante dos Fab Four nos anos 60.
Tal como no formato do Acústico MTV do Paulinho, a apresentação de Maria Rita é alicerçada por uma grande preocupação com a produção do espetáculo, desde a iluminação até o figurino da cantora (um vestido curto daqueles hiper brilhantes, feitos de lantejoulas ou coisa que valha). Os músicos também são excelentes, contando, entre outros, com o experiente Jota Moraes no piano e na flauta, com Sylvinho Mazzuca no contrabaixo acústico (que acompanha a cantora desde o primeiro disco) e com o emergente Leandro Sapucahy, que produziu o último trabalho da cantora e divide a percussão no palco com Neni Brown.
Com todos estes cuidados, não há muito onde errar. No repertório do show aparecem os destaques dos dois primeiros discos (como as três músicas do hermano Camelo que ela gravou no disco de estréia), mas o grosso é baseado no último, Samba Meu. Criticado por ser impecavelmente produzido, puxando alguns arranjos para uma linha jazzista e perdendo, assim, aquele gosto do bom samba de roda, penso que um dos pontos positivos do disco é o fato de apostar em sambas novos, e não cair na mesmice de repetir os mesmos lá-la-iás que se ouve em qualquer noite no Democráticos ou em outra casa de samba da Lapa.
No fim do show, Arlindo Cruz, autor de seis sambas gravados pela cantora em Samba Meu, apareceu com sua imensa barriga para dar uma canja. A platéia caiu no samba, reforçando a idéia de que show bom é show de graça. E se a voz da cantora ainda lembra a da mãe, pra mim foda-se: a voz do novo queridinho do samba Diogo Nogueira também lembra bastante a do pai João, e alguém o critica por isso?
Como música é minha paixão número um, pretendo continuar neste ritmo: num dia música com cerveja, no outro o merecido descanso pra começar tudo de novo. Aguardem os próximos relatos.
73 comentários:
recorro a mr. greenway
I abstain
saudades hermano!
Bem... eu tirei onda Rayovac mesmo... amor é isso. Se o meu blog me deixasse postar imagens, teria feito um lindo relato sobre os shows.
The Police eu vi na TV e achei morno, sabe? Sem emoção, sem gente pulando. Será que a parte da frente era área vip? Geralmente o show é sem emoção quando colocam vips na frente... gente que não curte o som, só vai pra filar comes e bebes.
Maria Rita: eu acho o ó do penacho esse Samba Dela. Achei constrangedora a interpretação de "Mente ao meu coração". O resto eu achei uma merdinha, mas deve ser porque não gosto de Arlindo Cruz. Aquele samba que rima tudo com "ado" é o fim da minha vida. "Corpitcho" é o cão também. "Novo Amor" o Edu Krieger fez PRA ROBERTA SÁ, todo mundo sabia disso e mesmo assim ela se aproveitou de um descuido contratual pra comprar a música na editora. Perdeu tempo, ficou uma merda na interpretação dela mesmo... Tem muita repetição de compositor. Achei um disco preguiçoso. Eu valorizo a pesquisa.
Acho que esse vestido não combinou com a personalidade dela. E ornou menos ainda com os quilos sobressalentes e a compleição física de toco de amarrar jegue que ela tem. O fundo ficou bonito, mas qualquer um faz isso no Corel. Muito simples pro meu gosto. O Leandro Sapucahy está comendo ela, não é isso? Acho chato também.
Ninguém critica Diogo Nogueira pq ele é o cara mais gostoso do mundo.
desses, só curto o paralamas.
abraço, velho.
sou novo por aqui, mas pude observar que além da música uma outra paixão evidente é a tiração de onda...
Pega leve Gigi, o show da Maria Irrita foi minha estréia como figurinista.
"Como música é minha paixão número um, pretendo continuar neste ritmo: num dia música com cerveja, no outro o merecido descanso pra começar tudo de novo. Aguardem os próximos relatos."
Fuck dude, weren't you also high?
Ok, I know it's only Wednesday night but I have the day off tomorrow and I have been drinkin' and smokin' some stuff...and well TUROS is always there. Besides Casca has no idea that I am on here right now so I can write without any of his "interventions" distracting me.
WOW! Arthur man...did you see what Gigi wrote? Shit...I am taking full credit for this awesome achievment! Fuck you all very much...
Yes, the impossible does happen. Miracles do exist.
Ahhh Gigi...I had no idea who this Diogo Nogueira is but thanks to you I do now. Youtubin' him this very moment.
"Ninguém critica Diogo Nogueira pq ele é o cara mais gostoso do mundo."
Really? Gigi my darling...first there was casca and this I will never forgive you for but Diogo Nogueira???? I hope this is a form of rare brazilian sarcasim because if it's not... for the love of god...GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!!!!!
Save yourself, your soul, your future and most importantly your womb...
Back to the topic. Arthur I have a question. I have known you for a while now. I know music is your greatest passion but why for god's sake haven't you sent me one single piece of authentic Brazilian music since I have been gone????
Now Arthur...Paulinho da Viola? You have some serious explaining to do. I have known you for four and a half years and not one word about this guy.
Youtubin' him and shit...makes me want to drink and smoke the good stuff even more. Good thing I am 6,000 miles away because I'd be slappin' you silly over this massive fuck up!!!!
With Marisa Monte???? Your sins are mounting even higher, Arthur.
So much greatness yet tragically they are Brazilian and thus the world will never know. Whose fault is this???? Gringo imperialism????
Sandy & Junior play at Maracana while anyone with real talent must play in front of drunkards at Edu's pe sujo...
The Police...well I am no fan of this kind of comercial "Phermaldahyde Rock" but at least they came to Rio to excercise the evil spiritual residue left over from Sandy & Junior. If raw carioca talent must rot away into oblivion at Edu's pe sujo then please call the Police to clean up the mess at 100 reais per ticket... You lucky bastard, Arthur.
Reminds me of the time of when Lenny Kravitz played in Copacabana.
Everyone who went to that show please raise your hands...fuckin' idiots! I am sure you all drink Miller Genuine Draft on saturday nights as well. Worst american beer ever made...enjoy!!!!
Don't let the time fool you. It's a 3 hour difference between us and it's still early here. I am only mildly sober as apposed to mildly drunk. Those of you who derive pleasure from the derangement of the senses know what I am talking about...miss it Casca???
American Woman...I still prefer the original by the Guess Who. Lenny was too busy selling Tommy Hilfiger jeans. Why did I leave the USA and go to Brazil? Listen to the original American Woman.
Maria Irrita??? This is genius...there are those in Rio who adore Maria Rita and they have no soul, like Lenny Kravitz and drink Miller Genuine Draft. Then there are those who do not like these things and have soul. This was what I was told by a genuine carioca princess.
This was July of 2003 and what the fuck did I know about Brazil at this time????
Within hours of hearing these words of wisdom I soon discovered that both Dani and Donna Grossa were very excited about Maria Rita.
To think Fernanda "sandalihna" thought Dani, Donna Grossa and I were the most cultured people she knew!?!?! Que pena...Gigi should leave Brazil with Fernanda immediately...
Arthur man, I discovered all by myself that Yvette Sangalo is gay. Of course for many years I had no idea that Xuxa was tounguing the woman on a regular basis so I had to figure it out on my own. Like you about this other stuff, no one told me about Yvette.
There was something about Yvette that was not right...she was too...too...well too modern, too talented, too smart, too 1st world and she always looked very uncomfortable wearing typical brasileira clothes. She always seemed very american to me...
Here in the states, women like Yvette Sangalo are very common. After a few beers, I had slept with many. Lesbians? Fiction. Exu says all women are bi-sexual. For those of you who have really experienced life then you know it's an absolute truth.
Can never trust a woman. Why? Because they are not men...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Ok guys...I apologize for ruining all the mystery.
Casca, I actually had to read what you said in Arthur's last posting. May my over-worked under-paid sweaty Boston Irish balls smother your pseudo-intellectual face for a couple of hours...
hmmmmmmmm tasty aren't they???
We all know you are a closet anglo-phile. Casca let me tell you something, a blind man with no arms and legs can get quality pussy in Brazil. What's worse is that you can by a PHD at any Brazilian Banca for 5 reais. ohhhhhhh the awful truth hurts doesn't it???
80% of the worlds problems are because of we americans??? Shit man...do you wake up with an m-16 stuck in your face like they do in Iraq and Afghanistan??? Who is to blame for the dog shit you must step in every day and the robberies commited by mal-nourished negrinhos??? We americans????
It's because of people like you that Brazil is a 3rd world shit hole of a country. You like my ex-wife, casca are afraid to get a real job and work an honest 8 hour day.
Ahh, none the less I am pleased that you actually wrote something more than 3 fingers wide.
Fuck Gigi in the ass Casca...pull her hair and spank her bunda. She deserves it because she has no idea how good she could have it in the 1st world. yeah Gigi...you could own my ass if you lived here but you don't because you are ruled by fear. Thank god for this...
The fundamental difference between me and you casca? I work every fucking day and still enjoy quality pussy. You only benifit because all of those poor brasileiras have no other choice. Get it gente??? Hope you do!!!
You see my casca man...you could have had it all. Instead you became stupid. In the end at least Edu was smart enough to shut up. You still haven't learned.
You call yourself an anarchist??? You are a petrified leftist of the worst and lowest kind. You are like piece of shit laying in a toilet that has not been flushed for 3 weeks. You are a total fraud.
You know nothing about your enemies nor it's culture. What you write and believe is not original. I curse you with the utmost passion. May all of your future classes as O professor of Political science be filled with brasileiros who think just like me. May you die early and no one attend your funeral.
Here lies the body of Cascarravias...his head too small but his belly too big....
Casca man, I am sending you a personal invitation. I dare you to fly to Mexico and walk across the rio grande. After I will pick you up and show you the america you do not know. I will show you everything. Yeah, it will be then you will have seen the enemy and then realize it was YOU.
Arthur man...delete my comment. i hit the button twice. Sorry.
Casca, you envy me so much. I live the life you can only dream. You masturebate and think you are me. I went to your home town and kicked ass. You come here??? I dare you!!!!
Doesn't matter if you are from uberlandia, you are nothing but a paraiba to these cariocas. They are too polite to tell you the awful truth. You want salvation? You want recognition? Come here with me!!!
And to think you have no balls. I could fight you on your blog and to think the noteriety you could have. How many hits do you have now??? A thousand? Look at Arthur's...you could have had this but you are a pussy.
You know nothing because you do not know Alex Jones. You know nothing because you do not comprehend Ron Paul's rEVOLution. The big joke? The big lie? You know NOTHING. You suffer from a farofa de mente....
And casca, one more thing. My step father was there when they killed Che. My step-father later died of alcoholism because of what happened that day in Bolivia. My step-father was a total ass hole but when he began to drink he would talk about the CIA. My step-father was responsible for catching Che.
Do you know who I am??? Do you know who I am???? Of course you don't so shut the fuck up and go make me some rice and beans you worth less piece of paraiba shit. You usurper of all things intellectual and soulful. May you burn in hell while listening to Rihanna...You suck!
You see Arthur man, my step-father was told to bring Che back to the USA ALIVE. To make an example of him like Rome did to it's enemies.As Che lay in that room, my step-father had the most profound conversation with him. It was like when the centurion was with Jesus at Golgatha. Che was the real deal...Che cared.
My step-father became a believer.
So I was drinking Jack Daniels with him. The old man began to cry like a baby. A strange thing to see since I always found my step-father to be a sadistic bastard.
"Che was the best....he was a doctor for christ's sake...they killed him, they killed him, they killed him and I could do nothing!!!!!"
My step-father died 30 years later. We all knew it was because of that day in Bolivia which caused it. My step father's soul had died long before his liver.
Arthur, do you finally know who I am? My biological father was seconds away from getting into that car we all saw in the film, Mississippi Burning. My step father was there when they killed Che. My biological mother was a roman catholic nun who had an abortion in Puerto Rico while my step mother was a prostitute who slept with John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy.
My step mother was Marilyn Monroe's best friend. She also slept with Frank Sinatra. Donnie Baldwin was the great grand-niece of Geronimo. I am the last of the Chiraquawa Apache indians.
It's the morning of December 13th, 2007. I am laying all of my cards down on the table and you can see I have won with a Royal Flush. My great secret? People always underestimate me. I win every time.
I invented the text message in Rio de janeiro. You guys call them torpedos but no one used this form of communication until I did. People now drink Itaipava beer because of me. Donna Grossa hated Itaipava beer so let this be a reccomendation to you all.
Both Dona Grossa and Dani hated Arthur because of his will to be independent. They knew he was a prince and tried to destroy him because of it. The rest of you who say and do nothing while your country is a total shit hole!!!
I curse you for the rest of my life. You are nothing but 13 year old girls to me. All of you!!!! You desire change? Then get off of your asses and DO SOMETHING!!!
Oh and many of you think I have no power to change things down there. You also have no idea who I am friends with. I can bring revolution to Rio within days. Never never never underestimate what I can do. You want me to take credit for even this???? Or would you like to do it all by yourselves?
The choice is your's...
Now Dani, would you like me to scare the shit out of poor Gigi and have her meet you??? Would you like the whole world to know to know what had happened to you? Gay Tom says you have changed and have become better but I never believe much of what he says. Dani my darling...you should have stayed in London when you had the chance but you returned to hell to be ruined.
Yes, Dani I remember all of your patheic insults and this is my revenge. Continue living your life so we can all watch with horror. Ok some of us will even laugh because you have many enemies. whose fault was it????
As for Edu Goldenberg...well for many years we could not understand why a woman like Dani would be with a guy like him. Ironically, in the end, many of us could not believe why Edu would be with a woman like Dani...
Gigi do you want to be like her???? Fernanda, Manu, Ana Bia, Bianca and a thousand other women I knew should leave Rio. Yet they stay and it's the most tragic thing.
Look people...many years from now i will be dead and macumbeiros will place offerings on every street corner in my honor. Shit...my birthday is the 23rd of April.
I will become the patron saint of the greatest of sinners, Why? Well...it takes one to know one.
My ex-wife and her family put me on the streets of Suburbio to kill me. They failed. I am still alive. This happend on Brazilian velentines day. June 12th. I was married on this day and my marriage finished this day. Yes I am laughing. 365 days ended. Arthur was there when it happened. He was a witness...
Ok Cacca and a few others are going to wake up and be horrified with what I have written here. So what? Get off of your fuckin' asses and do something or die with no one noticing. The choice is your's.
Arthur, please send me some good original brazilian music.
Until this coming Friday...
Ok one last thing Arthur...the now world famous Ron Paul rEVOLution blimp can not fly north to Boston for the big Boston rally. So where is it going to fly until the weather becomes better????
Charlotte, North Carolina!!!! One of the main campaign co-ordinaters of the Carolinas is a neighbor of mine. Dumb luck??? I think not. Destiny man. I wouldn't be surprised if I ride in the silly blimp as well.
Like I said before...all my cards have been laid on the table and it's a Royal Flush.
Casca man, you still have a shot at redemption. Please do something. Anything. You can bash the USA all you like. It does not matter to me but do something for Brazil. Arthur and his friends are doing something. Even Edu tries to make the Vila a little more tolerable.You Casca need to step up. Besides...it's no accident that you have met me.
Arthur, I still refuse to be photographed so don't get your hopes up. You also need to send me a lot of music soon. Consider it a christmas present.
Gigi, minha flor do sereno, eu sei que tua praia de samba é outra. E gostei muito da tua precisão cirúrgica ao criticar a filha da Pimentinha. Mas mesmo que o disco seja fraco e que várias das coisas que você falou sejam relevantes, o show foi bom, talvez pelo clima da platéia, talvez por eu estar feliz no dia, talvez por ter sido de graça, talvez por tudo isso junto e misturado.
Pakkatto, saudades do lado de cá também. Um grande abraço, amizade!
Garrett, Paulinho da Viola is great, but I can't say the same about Marisa Monte. About getting high, some things I do not comment here, but you can assume. And did you know 23rd of April is São Jorge's Day? He's one of the most admired saints in Rio, and nowadays it's even a holiday. So before you die people are already celebrating...
And man, I know you and Casca love each other, but please try to be a little more respectful with Gigi. She's a great friend of mine and feels unconfortable with some of the stuff you've written - even though I can imagine how drunk and high you were when you did it. But she's never said anything about you, so just try to leave her alone, ok?
Bout the music, I like Nação Zumbi very much. I tried to take you to their concert maybe twice, but you didn't come. Anyway, you can find some of their stuff in e-mule or something. And take care.
eu gosto mais quando os estadunidenses extravsam suas psicoses descarregando pentes de fuzil uns nos outros. além de mais divertido, é mais positivo pro mundo.
os diplomas que se compra a 5 reais, contemplam áreas que teu povo acéfalo cultiva. pra mim não valem um amendoim.
voce não entende a relaçõ da sua gente nojenta com um negrinho me apontando um fuzil? entao faça utra coisa na internet alem de atazanar os outros, e proure duas coisas: quem produz essas armas que ieram parar na miha esquina, e qual a economia do mundo que esbanja gordura com dinheiro de venda de armas. se for muito difícil, pergunta pro Arthur.
o quanto voce trabalha eu nao sei. mas pela quantidade e teor dos seus comentarios, tenho serias duvidas quanto a gostar de pussy. (uma das) diferença entre nos é que eu não acho que mulheres sejam pussy.
de onde voce tirou essa idéia de que eu me julgo anarquista? eu me intitulava assim com dezesseis anos. o que mudou de la pra ca, alem de nao ser da sua conta, tenho a impressao de nao estar a seu alcance.
o que eu mais tenho sao alunos com uma mentalidade como a sua. Fazer o que? consumir pensamento enlatado é como comer no mc donalds: rapido, de facil digestao, asseptico e insipido. cerebro plastiicado com afetacao de genial, eu tpo com uns vinte por semestre. o resto é menos pretensioso, mas tão bovinamente aqalermado quanto os outros ou voce mesmo.
voce é canhestro. como é que eu nõ te conheço e te invejo ao memo tempo? use um pouco de lógica, só pra variar. eu realmente não te conheço, é vc que tem a pretensao de saber tudo sobre mim e tagarelar freneticamente como se me acompanhasse ha anos. e te garanto que invejar a estupidez não está entre meus vícios.
teu padrasto estava no lugar errado, na hora errada, fazendo a coisa errada.
Nem todos os gringos são babaqüeras, nem todos os gringos são cool. Nem todos os brasileiros têm a paciência de santo do 4rthur.
Gostei muito da resenha, principalmente porque tam∫ém acho que a Elis era mais gabaritada que a Maria Rita, o que nnao quer dizer que se joga a Maria Rita nolixo. Amei a resenha sobre os Pára-Lamas, não sabia que o Hebert Vianna tinha ficado paraplégico.
Quanto ao Paulinho da Viola, considero este um dos grandes compositores da MPB e um tremendo gato para uma noite de chuva. Baixei do iTunes um LP seu. Que o sacal do Garret faça o mesmo.
Go to iTunes and download Paulinho da Viola for 9.99 That's only a couple of Happy Meals. ;P))
Universo Anárquico
Digamos que...
esse post me despertou uma invejinha
super saudável
mas ainda sim, invejinha.
Qual é a programação do fds, hein?
hi, i'm garrett from brokeback mountain and i'm gay. remember, i'm garret, from brokefuckingback mountain, and i love big dicks. not small ons, not underdeveloped ones, just big blonde blue eyed cocks. bye
Ahhhh...how I have made the cascarravias write. I am so proud of him right now!!!!
Casca man, let me tell you how the problem all began. You see... when Arthur first told me about you I was very excited. I was eager to meet a bona-fide Brazilian intellectual because they are so rare. Well...you all can see how everything got out of hand if you read the "intervention" section of TUROS for the last 6 months.
Casca man, please for the love of God...get your fuckin' head out of your ass. I could care less if we are enemies but make me respect you. Show me your best. Believe me...I can handle any insult you throw my way. You have no idea what I have experienced in life to make me immune to such things.
Just admit the fact you barked up the wrong tree. All will be forgiven...
Ms. Harris. I appreciate your reccomendation however I am not a fan of McDonalds value meals. A few days of McDonalds and I'll begin to look like Casca.
This Paulinho is a gift though. I have spent my 36 years of life not knowing a thing about him and thanx to TUROS I now have discovered a new beautiful thing. This is christmas, darlin'.
Now Ms. Harris, let me give you a piece advice. Never never never ever ever ever underestimate me. There are many out there who have and cursed the gods of the universe because they made this fatal mistake.
It is now the 16th of Decemeber. I am also watching the ticker on Ronpaul2008.com. What I am witnessing at this very moment is a socio-political orgasim.
History is being made at this very moment and I have more to do with it than any of you can possibly imagine. Tick tick tick tick...ten thousand dollars per minute and it's only 3am EST. No, we americans don't appreciate the world cup but this is better. Why? Because it's FOR REAL. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Great Mad All Night Party has finally begun and the whole world is watching. Casca, if you have any brains then take a close look at the Ron Paul Phenomena and please begin to listin to Alex Jones on a regular basis. Why? Because you'll know more of what is really going on than any of your jealous dog shit eating colleagues.
Fuck...Arthur man. There is a tea party goin' on in Boston and the blimp is flying above my house here in Charlotte. Christ...life can be so beautiful and weird!
Arthur, I know I shouldn't pick on Gigi but she has commited a great sin. She said something favorable about casca. I had to bite hard. An example had to be made.
If Gigi becomes another Dani then whose fault is it???? It's not going to be mine.
Gigi needs to leave Brazil. Why not Australia? Plenty of sunny beaches and there are 7 men to every woman. Unlike in Brazil, these men have money, status, power and balls. I can't tell you how many times I had told donna grossa the same thing.
I told Fernanda the same. Today she has become a pathological liar who pretends to be a lesbian. The saddest thing. She is with Marcella because not even Vitor Martins wanted to fuck Marcella. well...I wanted to fuck her but that's different.
I told Bianca the same thing. Look at her now. Sleeping on her Tia's sofa every night while some Jiu Jitsu monkey fucks her in the ass. Bianca could have been brilliant but spends her money buying faux-gucci purses from Paraguay.
Look at Ana Bia. Still carrying 6 Portugues e Ingles dictionaries to class. Who is she fooling? The girl could never write me a single paragraph in english. My how she felt so superior to everyone else! How many times a day did she go to the toilet to vomit????
Ana Bia used to brag so much about how great her husband was. She used to tell me how much better looking he was compared to me and his penis was so much bigger. Did it matter? I used to eat her every morning for breakfast along with my misto quente.
Ana Bia would constantly curse the USA because of the way we americans treated her. I can understand why. We americans show no mercy to anyone who is full of shit.
Then there was Manu. Thanx to Dani, both you and I fucked this girl and we both fucked her without protection. I am clean and so are you.
I felt so bad about Manu. This girl was extra-special. I mean, she was a real princess. What the fuck happened to her? The same that happened to Dani and the rest...Cidade Maravilhosa can kill.
God Arthur, I tried to tell them all. They were too proud and too scared to listen. I don't want Gigi to be like them. Here in the States we call it TOUGH LOVE.
Now Arthur man let me tell you a few other things. I also know there are at least 10 thousand people reading this so it's kind of important they know this information as well.
I am seriously picking on your good friend Edu from Tijuca. He is enamored with you. Why? Because you are a Prince and he is only a Duke.
Well if I was a native carioca seeking to be it's mayor then I would have edu be my chief of staff. My personal Pit Bull. With Edu I would not fear the Policia Federal nor would I fear the CIA or the CV. Give me shit then you deal with my Pit Bull, Edu. Understand?
If Edu doesn't scare the shit out of you then his brother Fernando certainly will. Fernando is a true beast.
Funny thing happened after I first met Fernando back in 2003. The guy kept bragging how he was the devil. He had so many women and nothing scared him. Well...
The guy changed and found a woman he could love and be more or less faithful to. A miracle I guess. The problem was that the devil who possessed his spirit left Fernando and possessed me.
There was this one particular woman I used to see. She was the Nazare. Yeah, I also dated an Izaura and at least 14 different Marias...I am laughing.
Nazare would often denounce me and tell me she slept with 3 other men the previous month because I was such a bad namorado. This never bothered me because I had often slept with 4 different women the very same day I slept with her.
"....why don't you have any siemen when you have an orgasim????" Nazare would demand. I quietly laughed because all that siemen lay swirling in the vaginas of the women I had seen before her. Nazare still has no idea.
She can blame onibus 457 . From General Osario to Abolicao. God I had a woman at every ponto do onibus.
As for Gigi...well let me tell you a story which truly broke my heart. I was soooooo in love with another carioca princess. She was the woman of my dreams. Long black straight hair, thick legs, a big and hard ass, had an excellent job, and very intelligent. When this woman laughed, I would feel sooooo alive. The anti-thesis of my brazilian ex-wife.
I desperately wanted to have babies with her. A woman so great that i would never cheat on her.
This Maria would often cry and cry and cry and cry. Why? She constantly dated and fell in love with married carioca men. They always treated her like shit. I begged her to come with me. We could live our happily ever after together.
Fear. Fear is the great enemy. Who knows what my life would be like if I was now with this Maria. Another tragedy in a sea of tragedies.
Fear. I came and lived more than three years of my life in Rio de Janeiro. I experienced the impossible on a daily basis.
Now I have become a legend...a myth. Did you know many are convinced that I stil live there???????? They can not believe I am presently residing in the red neck paradise of Charlotte, North Carolina.
"...mentiroso! I saw you becoming beastly drunk in Catete this past week!!!!" No I was not in Catete this past week, sorry.
Everything you may hear about me is true no matter how false. A legend is a legend. Think of me when drinking Itaipava beer and test messaging your friends and lovers.
One of the greatest stories I can ever tell was about a true Brazilian patriot I used to tutor for english. Belive me, both Dani and donnna grossa did their best to sabotage this endeavor.
This student of mine was the real deal. He was there when they abducted my american ambassador. He was there when the militaries abducted his comrades and tortured them to death at the batalhoa in Tijuca.
He told me how he had lost billions of dollars worth of contracts when Exxon/Mobile refused to do business with him because he was to afraid to speak english.
A couple of months of Elton and real spoken english had changed all of that. This student of mine walked into Houston, Texas and kicked ass. I was so proud of him. The secret?...stop being afraid.
This guy met the King of Denmark and made even more money thanks to me. I adored this guy. He was a real man. He was born and raised in Penha yet was able to make his own company and buy a penthouse apartment in Urca. The american dream personified. To think this guy was a marxist revolutionary when he was young...
Then there was the day Arthur and I were out drinking 15 or 20 Itaipava beers at the local University.
I looked over at the bar and I saw my student's wife cheating on him. I showed Arthur what was going on. This student of mine was so in love with his wife and never had the desire to cheat on her yet she was. What the fuck is wrong with people??????
Yes, I am a man and could never tell another man that his woman is no good. I could not tell a friend of mine nor could I tell an enemy. It's a matter of honor. Edu? I can not tell you a thing...
Christmas in Brazil was always a beautiful thing for me. I spent my first in Botafogo with my ex-wife's family. I was so constipated with shit before then. Imagine eating rice and beans everyday for 8 days and not taking a shit????
No one could solve my problem. I tried everything. I drank lots of liquids including juice. i ate laxatives like candy but nothing worked.
Then, just before midnight on christmas eve, it all came out. It was a true miracle from god. My problem? It can be called psycho-symatic. It's 40 plus degrees this time of year in Rio. I was hearing JINGLE BELLS and seeing Papai Noel but it was not below zero. Fucked me up bad.
I played soccer with my brother-in-law's son and his friends all christmas morning. I played soccer for 15 years. I was gifted. My mother still has all of my rewards and trophies.
How did Zidane kick your ass twice? The French were never afraid. God...I hated how Zidane just laughed during those matches. He knew...Zidane knew the Brazilian team was nothing like the days of Romario and Pele. The soul and style was long gone. Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos? No fuckin' grace nor style...chimpanzees with a ball. Harsh words but the truth can also be awful...
For all of you american haters please remember one thing, Lance Armstrong was your champion. He made that gay french sport of cycling into his domain.
Then came the christmas of 2003. You all have this culto amigo thing. Just grab whatever name there is in the jar and then buy them a gift, right? Well...they were doing this in Tijuca and when it was my turn to place my hand in the jar there was only one name left. Guess who it was? Dani.
No one wanted to buy her a gift so I was stuck with it. My fellow colleagues in Tijuca already hated her by then but I did not. It took me another year before I began to hate Dani. I told my friend Dona Claudia about this. She insisted I buy a gift that was very special. So we did.
You see Dani...at this time I saw you as the ultimate Brasileira. Later you blew it because you wanted to become just like donna grossa. This I will never forgive you for!
Dani was so impressed with what I gave her that she invited me to spend christmas with her family in Volta Redonda. Gay Tom was invited too. It became a christmas of legend.
Both Gay Tom and I had the best time. It was far better than any christmas we had spent with our own pathetic families back in the USA. Many brazilians still give me shit for this but Dani's family in Volta Redonda was a beautiful thing. They kept playing Rita Lee's "Tudo Vira Bosta" and man...this was the song for everything I had experienced in life.
For gringos like me and gay Tom... Spending Christmas in Volta Redonda was much better than the false bullshit of Rio de Janeiro. It was real and reminded us of america. We became so homesick...
On Christmas day I spent my time with Edu's family at Alta Boa Vista. The Goldenbergs were also A GOOD FAMILY. They were carioca royalty.
At this time Edu was the coolest mother fucker who walked the streets of Rio de janeiro. Of course this came to end the night of Dona Grossa's birthday party...
Arthur please don't forget how afraid you were of Edu and his posse that night. You hid in the kitchen and cursed me for abandoning you. They were evil bastards and you were left all alone. I know how it must have sucked. Even Vitor Martins thought they were creepy.
I returned that night though. Maybe you were there when Edu grieviously insulted me. Maybe you heard when he said my life was a lie. I was so pissed because how could a caipira from Tijuca know so much about my life???? How I wanted to kill this mother fucker.
ahhh he was only joking donna grossa kept telling me. We don't joke like this in america though. It's a death sentence to insult a man this way. Yet Edu had never lived in america. He had no idea what it was like to live in the maracana of nations. He made a great enemy that night.
Yeah Edu, i knew you were scared and pissed. You thought I was mocking everything you held in great esteem. You were so terribly wrong that night though and very lucky I didn't kill you. A night in a brazilian jail is a million times worse than a night in an american jail.
Then came the christmas of 2004. Marcella and her familt were gracious enoigh to invite both Gay Tom and I.
A couple of weeks before it became known that fernanda and marcella were lovers...ohhhh to be in bed with both at the the same time!!!!
But by then I had 11 different girlfriends. It was also the very same christmas that both Marco and Sergio Barreto kissed me on the lips. No, I flet no physical satifaction but when gays like they did that I couldn't help but feel so appreciated.
I tried the same with donna grossa but she felt she was too good for me. The truth was that i kept taking her friends to have sex in her bedroom. Talk about hate. Especially after her Paraiba boyfriend dumped her.
We were at the samba school of Vila Isabel and how Dani danced. I knew it was all for my personal satisfaction. what was your friend's name? I swear to god I can't remember. You know? The pauliosta that donna grossa was so jealous of. To think I repeated the same thing with Manu a few weeks later in Donna grossa's bedroom...
So it was the christmas of 2004. We were at Marcellas's. Borel was deaftly quiet that night. Arthur man...Marcella's family made a much better christmas than we americans ever could.
Gay Tom became so obnoxious and drunk thanx to Joaozinho. This kid was so pathetic and I have no one but Dani and Edu to blame for it. The little shit was pimping his mother.
".....Do you want to fuck my mother????" he asked. How could I respond after such an audacious question????
Message to both Dani and Edu. Your manager of the pe sujo could have made an excellent future in the first world but you ruined her just like you ruined her son.
I remember how she cried for her son's future and to watch how you destroyed his life. Lucky you live in a shit hole 3rd world country. If you lived here then you would both be in jail.
TIB, right Dani? This is Brazil!!!! Only the corrupt and most sadistic have rights!!!! I will both kill and die to keep my America from becoming such a thing. Believe me, George Bush and his friends want my country to become just like Brazil. FUCK YOU!!!! Me and millions refuse!!!!!
1.25 million during the night. Now Americans are awakening from the night. The real donations will begin.
Despite Joaozinho's attempt of my ruination, it was a great Tijucano christmas. It was still dark when I walked outside of Marcella's apartment and flagged a taxi. I wanted to go see Manu in Gavea.
During this moment I had to laugh. Until then I was always o diablo for any carioca taxi driver. This guy was from Meier and knew my ex-wife. We had the funniest of conversations in Portuguese, especially when I had to direct his way into the South Zone.
He laughed when I told him of the great hate each side of the city felt for each other. Perpetual civil war. For a gringo like me there was abolutely no difference.
So as I made love to Manu that christmas morning I watched the sun rise over Lagoa and the Jockey Club.
I knew it was extremely special. I knew it wasn't supposed to happen. I also knew that Manu and I would become enemies after but it was christnmas. It was the best we could do for each other. It was a time for peace on earth for all man-kind, you know?????
Arthur man, the christmas of 2007 has arrived. o meu sobrinho suffers from autism. I am the only guy who can deal with him. Why? I had lived for more than 3 years in Brazil.
At first meu sobrinho always hates me but I force him to converse on my terms. It's English class in Brazil all over again. The little fucker only wants to be at the beach where the waves come in and then they go out...the waves come and then go out...
He then begins to cry and throws a tantrum. Yes at first they throw tomatoes but soon they will be throwing roses. So it is with everybody else.
Ohh casca, I am seriously reading your shit now. It amazes me how much you do not know. Who are you speaking to? Your Brazilan friends or the general american public? Have you forgotten I am neither????
Arthur, my first year in Rio was the first year of the Sao Jorge Holiday. Just more proof your city is mine.
Yeah, I am stupid especially when I was in Caxias. It was a celebration for Ogum. Their was this gigantic cake for Ogum and I was the first to eat from it.
After more than 10 hours of all night dancing and druming, I finally realized the whole event was for me. I know...I can be the biggest of idiots. How we ate the sacraficial chickens and drank Skol beer early that morning.
I laugh Arthur because people like Dani & Edu think they know so much. It only kills them when they learn that I know more about Rio de Janeiro and Brazil than they do. Tizzzzzhuuuuuca is a very small place. My South Zone friends would laugh so hard if they met Dani and Edu.
Casca? they would kill even me for introducing such a proud ignorant bastard from Uberlandia. Only you Arhtur, can survive the proud arrogance of a South Zoner. They may never like you but they will respect you. Why? You don't give a shit.
You wanna laugh? Ms. Harris makes more money than I ever could. It's the great joke you are not supposed to know.
Gigi please listen. I say the hard things I do because I don't want you to become like the other women I have written about. They are finished. They are dead women walking. God, I treated so many women like shit when I was there. Why? because I could.
pra soberba e a sensaão de poder prescrever os destinos de gente que nunca viu ou conversou, acho que não existe cura. seria preciso nascer de novo, em outro luigar.
pra absoluta falta de amigos (não vejo outro motivo pra entulhar uma caixa de comentários com idéias desconexas, estapafúrdias e sobre o infinito, comentários quiloétricos que eu tenho a impressão que só eu e arthur lemos. e ainda por cima acha que isso significa "fazer alguma coisa") é difícil mas tem jeito.
procure uma terapia. ou tratamentos a base de remédios. ou vai pro meio do mato. ou arruma uma mulher. sei lá, faz o que quiser dessa tua vida medíocre, mas para de querer dar conselhos como se portasse uma verdade revelada. cretino.
Sou suspeita em comentar,pois adoro todos os show que vc descreveu...mas na verdade quero ver o dia na qual irá descrever seu show,espero que não tenha área VIP e tampouco seja cobrado,para os amigos blogueiros tem que ser de graça...rsrs
O clima desses shows no Rio deve ser muito gostoso, sentir-se bem no Rio é sentir-se ótimo, no meu entendimento de turistão, que nunca morou aí, pra sentir a pegada do dia-a-dia, que massacra qualquer ilusão. Mas que o acesso a eventos como esses é bem mais fácil aí do que em Brasília (quando eles acontecem lá), isso é, mesmo sendo Brasília uma pretensa amostra grátis do Brasil inteiro, com uma ênfase particular na antiga Capital Federal. Um show como o de Paulinho da Viola cai no planalto seco como uma gota de chuva no deserto, e, por isso mesmo, cai com preço de ouro.
Ah, antes que eu me esqueça, eu também não me chapo pra postar ou comentar no blog de ninguém, o que invalida ainda mais qualquer comparação que se arrisque entre eu e esse gringo maluco aí de cima.
esse gringo é só um merdinha megalômano implorando por atenção. ignorem esse verme que ele mingua.
Casca...you still dont know shit. However, Casca you have enough balls to challenge me week after week despite the constant ass beatings. I admire this.
Where is the great EDU???? Where is he??? Hiding in his fishbowl of Tizzzzhhhhuuuca and cursing the fact I am still his landlord. To think this mother fucker has any validity???? Casca, my poor friend from the the ghost town of Uberlandia, I am an enemy of yours but my other enemies lack the balls to take me in combat.
And Arthur...to use self-censorship and delete the entire paulinho article is the greatest of sins. It was a beautiful thing and you killed it. How can I forgive you???
10 thousand people have read your blog. Why???? May I utter the great secret??? Or should I pretend to be a south zone carioca and say it was dumb luck????
Arthur you have opened the door...
When I first read your blog, Edu was kissing you. How could I react to such a thing????
If there was a real revolution was going on then this Edu would be already dead. Why? He provided aid and confort to the enemy. Your enemy is wass my enemy.
ohhhhh Edu...perhaps the woman you sleep next to ommited the fact she used to talk about you on a constant basis. The meetings if you remember???? With your advice they wrote everything down so they could fuck us all in the ass sem vasolin.
That cunt from volta redonda would try to fuck us all in the ass as best as she could. And for Edu and all of his soulfull tijucano bullshit???
Don't forget, CUNT is the worst word you can call a woman in the english langage. Edu sleeps next to one every one every night.
Arthur???? You are friends with such a blasphemous profanity??? Arhtur man...leave them as soon as possible. They are vampires. Edu has had his choice that I have given him but he prefers to be the great white whale of a pathetic fishbowl. Don't let him suck your soul into oblivion. This mother fucker is only using you. The infamous casca is a saint compared to them.
Casca why am I so hard on you??? Well Arthur is enamored with Edu and the cunt he sleeps next to. Harsh words I know but you have no idea how she spoke to us. Imagine your porteiro speaking to you in such a way???? It's was a true hell.
Arthur you are a prince. You do not need edu. This mother fucker is afraid of his own shadow. He hated me becuse the ghosts of Vincius de Moraes and Nelson Rodrigueus had constantly followed me around cidade maravilhosa.
Edu...your cunt spoke too much. You ruined her along with donna grossa and the world will never forgive you for this. Dani could have been great..instead she has become an example of what any woman anywhere in the world should not do. You have no idea how they laugh at you both....
Yes Gigi...do not become like Dani. I am no fan of Bianca but to watch her describe Dani's soul was the most beautiful thing.
Arthur, I am sorry to deny your numerous invitations to see the real carioca culture.
How to be a carioca was an excellent satire, a JOKE.
Casca ...let me tell you about a great Film. It's called "the good, the bad and the ugly". Poor Edu is the bad and we both kill him out of necessity yet I make you dig for the gold. Get it??????
Arthur msn,
Paulinho is great. Wish he had the balls to make it into latino radio and film. Very few brasilians have the balls to do this. Rodrigo Santoro and Caetano Veloso made it.
Your so called very best insulted me when I was there. Jose Wilker insulted me greatly on numerous occasions. Then came the time he had to be on Faustao...How was the pizza Jose????????
Fuck him...may he and edu both try to butt fuck Dani. They all deserve each other.
The lakotas have left the united states. Well the USA no longer exists, However I am for the entire lakota nation for their effort.
Russel Means???? oh god how he hated me like Vitor mrtins and Edu. Played poker with the guy and he was so pissed when I walked with $400 of his money.
mm"....fuckin white boy has the spirit of crazy horse in him...."
Dani? Your crime? You thought you were better than us...go back to volta redonda. Afterwards we'll begin to forgive you. Dump the tijucano and go to australia with Gigi...
Nothing makes me hapier than success. Ms. Haris left. Why can't you both???
Arthur man,
You may be asking yourself why I am saying all of this shit. Well...I may be dead by this time next year. I am a surfer looking at a tsunami. I want to ride the thing. Casca will watch and laugh and Edu will spend the whole time wishing he was me like he always has.
Gigi,I know I have been a shit butld do so much beter.You have the power to leave. So many brasileiras have already ruined their lives. Don't be like Manu, Ana Bia, Bianca, Donna Grossa and Dani...save yourself. The road is difficult but it will be worth it. Best damn advice you'll ever hear...
Merry christmas Arthur. Tomorrow I will be with my family and all hell will break loose. Nothing unusual though.
Thank god your family loves you better than mine does me...
Ah, vamos combinar que mesmo música boa não deixa de ser um produto da indústria cultural, então os shows sempre serão super hi-tec. O pessoal adora! Pelo menos se for em um lugar como o Canecão, né?
Eu gosto do Paulinho e do Police. Mas Maria Rita.. morromeno!
Queridão, feliz natal e ótimo ano novo!
minha opinião é simples e objetiva:
gosto de todos e daria uma unha pra estar aí, no seu lugar!
ps: e teus "diários" me enchem os olhos.
Beijos, querido!
e um puta feliz natal!
deus não existe e jesus está morto.
Jesus está vivo: falei com ele hoje
Feliz natal
Yes please bomb the USA...But who could do such a thing??? Well the CIA can and they have before...
Will Casca become the next american Al-CIA-duh???? He has all the perfect attributes. He even looks demonically arabic for fox newz.
Who is your worst enemy chupacasca??? the USA, or is it that fat-bellied degenrate you see in the mirror? Edu felt the same but still doesnt haven't the balls to leave that poor parasite sleeping next to him. How the tragedy of life goes all around.
Arthur I laugh...you defend casca, gigi and Edu but you know they are nothing.
To read gigi's words and yet you defend her???? Gigi...por fa-fuckin'-vor...you have no future and Arthur is taken!!!! Let Ms. Harris be your salvation since I am not allowed to speak the truth.
Ms. Bhutto is dead...why? Well the reason is all over youtube...I know it's in english but please try to listen when you watch.
news for all brazilians...no one in the world gives a shit about portuguese especially brazilians with money. It's a dead language...please get over it.
If you want your favelado slaves to continue to make your rice and beans then only speak english, arabic, chinese and spanish. Portugese is the language of slaves...
It's the awful truth but ask yourselves how knowing portuguese has ever made you any money...
How did this happen? it's because you lack the balls to fight. Nelson Rodriguez will never be hnored for what he had written because idiots like edu were too proud to translate it.
Ken translated it though. He has it all. the only known translations of Nelson. May he send them to the rest of the world before edu kills him.
You know Arthur, I used to give Gay Tom a hard time for being so critical of you brazilians.
"....c'mon Tom...they are retarded. Leave them alone...."
Arthur, which one of us made the greatest of sins??? me or Tom? He would laugh at your universities...yes I know they were shit but I said nothing. I never said a word while his insults kept flying but I was horrified by how you all said nothing and still loved him despite of it.
You adored gay tom even when he shit on you all. An amazing thing. Gay tom got away with it. Why??? He insulted you grieviously in portuguese and you all adored him for it...
How to be a carioca???? For the love of god...do your best not to be...
Almost 12 thousand people have read your blog, Arthur. Right now they are from Chile, Finland and Monaco. Does anyone give a shit about edu's world in Tijuca???? If they do it's because of you and me and not him.
Fuck...Ms. Bhutto is dead...FUCK!!!! Shit god damn...this is bad news....I know why she was killed and I know who did it...Fuck, my neighbors did it...fuck... I am crying and I should not be...I am crying...
I am crying because fernanda thinks no man wants her...i am crying for Manu because perscription drugs made her insane...I am crying because marcella would be a queen in the 1st world. I am crying because melissa was truly beautiful. I am crying because dani wakes up every morning next to a vulgar idiot. I am crying because donna grossa would finally find peace in england. I am crying because of what happened to bianca. I am crying because GIGI will never go to australia.
Arthur, a plane never struck the pentagon. I am crying because a primary witness of this event said he saw a plane hit the pentagon. This witness was a neighbor of mine.
I am crying because this neighbor of mine was a very honorable man. He graduated with full military honors from West Point but he lied to me. He lied to me TO my FACE AND HE KNEW i KNEW HE WAS LYING...his official story was a physical impossibilty. He knew it was but lied anyway...
I am crying because my last landlord in Rio was the guy who brought Janis Joplin to Rio de Janeiro. I am crying because he always scared me with eviction...I am crying because I fucked his wife as retaliation....
I am crying because on brazilian father's day 2005, I had 3 different families. I had 9 children between the ages of 7 and 23...They thought I was their new father...fuck I am crying.They lived in Meier, Cascadura and Caxias...what did they know????
Casca you have no idea why i come on here. My reality is so different from your's. However i come on here to escape but I find the same old painful reality.
i remember how Manu accused me of being needy because of all the girlfriends i had. needy??? shit...I just loved the taste of pussy. The more the better...it was all a rodizio of the human flesh when I was there and how i did eat!
How I felt so proud of the fact many south zone women paid to have sex with me. How I got to know the rich and famous and be paid of rit weith money, sex, alcohol and food. How pedro bial cursed me for smoking and laughing at him at filet de ouro in lagoa....How I knew of his legendary cocaine addiction and told him so...
How I got into a major argument in front of Tim Maia's family in ipanema...how I had to tell Ed Motta was nothing like his unkle....How I wanted to fuck his "wife" as she showed me his massive LP collection... how she spoke better english than I.
Yeah yeah yeah...back to the music. Arthur man..about 80% of the people you know suck. They are sooooo fake. To have more than 2 real friends in Rio is a significant achievmant. The rest are only trading favors with interest. You have at least a half dozen so consider yourself extremely lucky.
let's take a look at Renato Russos's "Mais uma vez"... a great song. The world will never know his greatness because he was brazilian.
I am sure your friend Edu is very proud of this fact. Edu's world is imploding around him but the guy celebrates this tragedy by singing sambas and pretending it's "pure". A white guy pretending to patronize samba???? Exu is going to pay a visit to his over-rated under-staffed pe sujo... It takes at least a month to get drunk at edu's pe sujo. Too many chiefs and too few indians...
So I sent Mais Uma Vez to all of my american friends...big fuckin mistake. Just like Brazilian moonshine...CACHACA. Shit they made it here in the carolinas first...FUCK!!!! Ethanol tastes great! well mix it with the coca-cola to hide the awful taste and get fucked up...
Sorry for being so critical, Arthur. This fuckin idiot casca has no idea where I am comin from. To read his bullshit is the worst thing ever. He knows nothing. If you ever left Rio and lived in a 1st world country then you will know how ridiculous he and the rest are. Edu and Dani are pathetic creatures...
None of these people have more than 1000 visits because their blogs suck. Why? Because they have nothing to say. Tom was right....such massive fakes. Yeah please stay in Rio people because you would never survive anywhere else.
I forever wait for the day when you finally come to your senses and tell me I was correct about those two. Edu and dani are legion up here in the states. We call them white trash...
yeah I know edu trys but he is afraid to live his comfortable fishbowl. he is afraid to be me for a second. He is afraid to swim the salt watered oceans.
So what if he likes Nelson and Flamengo and is from Tijuca??? Lot's of people do. He is not special and his pe sujo always sucked. Remember how we waited outside for them to open one sunday afternoon??? The place is...well very AMERICAN.
I read all of the comments and am amazed by the supeficial stupidity of most of them. Yes, I am happy to see both Casca and Gigi become more human. I know i know I know....but sometimes being nice is a waste of fuckin time.
Arthur man, stop eating farofa. This is a sick thing to do. There are at least a thousand much better tasting dressings to put on your meats. I know you say it's a cultural tradition but it's fucked up, man. It represents everything that is wrong with Brazil.
I love you man, but i must remain REAL...
gringo, eu não tenho mais a menor pretensão de lhe dizer alguma coisa. a psicologia que funciona contigo é a mesma que funciona com mulas empacadas: chibatada no lombo.
só uma perguntas: e na bunada, num vai dinha?
E aí Garret, dando muito a bunda?
for sure! I met some caribean guys last week. Rom, salsa and big black cocks!!!
upstanding!it' s damned useful!thx!
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