- Creio que a música me agrada por sua completa ausência de moralidade. Todo o resto é moral, e procuro algo que não o seja. O moral nunca me trouxe nada que não seja doloroso.
- Afirmaste certa vez - disse-me um dia - que a música te agradava por ser totalmente destituída de moralidade. Está certo. Mas o que importa é que tu também não sejas moralista. Não há porque te comparares com os demais, e se a natureza te criou para morcego, não deves aspirar a ser avestruz. Às vezes te consideras por demais esquisito e te reprovas por seguires caminhos diversos dos da maioria. Deixa-te disso. Contempla o fogo, as nuvens e quando surgirem presságios e as vozes soarem em tua alma abandona-te a elas sem perguntares se isso convém ou é do gosto do senhor teu pai ou do professor ou de algum bom deus qualquer".
Trechos extraídos do livro Demian, de Herman Hesse.
19 comentários:
Lindo, Arthur!
um dos trechos mais belos que já li.
E não conhecia.
Me despertou curiosidade enorme no livro.
gosto dos livros dele; mas como eu disse, um haribo de seis décadas atrás. "arte pela arte" é o cacete.
Li a arte pela arte, e já quero ler Demian pelos trechinhos que foram totalmente golpe baixo. Tá lá na lista, junto com o tal do Elogio.
Listen to me, I'm Brokeback Garrett, and I'm from Cleveland, Ohio, Montana. Thank you for your attention
Fuckin' A, Arthur man!!!!! Herman Hesse's "Demian" was what started it all for me!!!!!
I often tease all of those spiritists who believe in all of that "past-lives" bullshit by telling them I was Herman Hesse re-incarnated.
Well...Herman and I think exactly alike. We both had very religious parents. We both found the profound in the very mundane. We both made women insane. The list of comparisons is endless and of course "Frau Eva" is an inside joke...
Ahhhhhh "Steppenwolf" is nothing without reading "Demian" first.
Before I continue further, I would like to dedicate a song for our dear Gigi. "Nobody said it was easy" by Cold Play.
Hey, Mr.I wanna sing old-negro- samba-ballads...Cleveland and Montana are much better places than where I live now. Just watch the films "Cold Mountain" and "Dukes of Hazard" then you'll get an idea of where I am at now.
So our Casca has read Hesse or did he just turn the pages and gaze upon the words? I'll bet a million Euros that he hasn't read Cendrars yet. You fuckin' fraud. You should go drink with Edu Goldenturd for a while, Casca. Afterwards even he would kill you for the total intellectual disgrace that you are. Love to see it...
Fuck!!!! it's too bright in my room and I must smoke outside!!! Even Casca and Edu can smoke freely in their own houses but I can not!!! FUCK!!!!! You have no idea Arthur how this fucks up my ability to coherently respond on Turos!!! FUCK!!!! It's only 4C outside too...
Ok back to Demian...HERDISM. Get it now Arthur? That's the fuckin' problem. People spend their entire lives terrified of what others may or may not think of them. Pathetic...
Guess what??? Nobody likes you, gente. They only talk to you because they want something or want to trade favors. ESPECIALLY in Rio de Janeiro. To have friends in Rio is a miracle. The rest are vampires or annoying mosquitos. All blood-suckers.
Look at the fear on this blog. Look at how everyone is afraid to write. They worry about their Portuguese...they worry about not making new "friends"...they worry about accidentally insulting people who desperately need to be insulted...they worry about being seen as idiots even though many of them actually are...so fuckin' what????
To be hated by cariocas is a compliment in life. O pior do mundo e os falsos dos falsos TB. Yeah, you non-carioca brasileiros know EXACTLY what I am talkin' about. BEEEELLLLCHHHHH!!!!!
"The world is a vampire... trade desires...despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage...despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage!!!!!"
Can you fake it for just one more show????
Ok Back to Demian once again...
My new landlord is afraid to drink beer on week nights. Does he work? No because he is un-employed like me. PERFECT!
So I ask him if he had a good day and if he says yes then I tell him it's a good reason to celebrate with beer. If he had a bad day then it's even a better reason to drink more beer. Now if nothing happened during the day then it's the best reason of all to drink even more beer. Get it???
FUCK!!!!! Need to smoke again...
So I was in Florida for a few days. I desperately needed to make a roadtrip. The weather was perfect. 28C with no humidity and the scent of fresh orange blossoms truly made me so fuckin' high...
Arthur man I got to teach again!!!! Yes, both my parents teach english as a second language and they let me speak to their students. Ahhhhh it felt like the old days...my father kept telling me to keep my voice down but you know how I am...besides the students from spanish speaking latin america all wanted to know what brasileiras are really like...
So I told them the best advice I could give. It's ok to feel like a jack-ass when learning another language. To not feel like a jack-ass is to not live at all. Are you still wondering why Edu will never leave the Vila?
Nobody said it was easy....
Arthur man, I am afraid 99% of your friends, fans and followers will never understand Hesse. Guys like casca, rev and diogo might but the rest won't. Edu certainly will not because his world is pathetically limited. For him artistic intellectualism only extends to the works of Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes and Nelson. Fear kills...
Someone said (maybe Nietzsche) that art is for people who can not find god in a church. Then again who does????
Hesse was enamored by Beethoven's 9th and so am I. Hesse even wrote that very few people could understand his climax to "Steppenwolf". It's impossible to explain unless you've been there already.
"....Fakefakefakefakefake?" I'd love for you to prove it? I also want to know when you'll stop hiding. Oh yes of course...all vampires fear the light.
I suppose casca and a few others will want to know my opinion as to what is going on up here politically. Yeah I know casca...you're so fuckin' lazy but please take note.
As you know Obama is kickin' some Clinton ass but "Billary" is the annointed one. The true bitch of Babylon or the queen of all donas grossas.
Expect some real character assassination of Obama very soon. The guy is a total maggot and has many scandals to be made public in the media very soon.
Insane McCain was chosen as the republican candidate because he is the only guy who could lose to Clinton during a national election.
Herman Hesse would have predicted that the most evil will win. This would be Hillary Clinton. Hitler and his Nazi's were only symptomatic of a much larger problem. Hesse saw it all coming decades before anyone else did. Oh yeah he was always considered crazy too...
"Steppenwolf" is nothing without reading "Demian" first.
Desculpe G., mas discordo veementemente. Inclusive, se alguém dotado de certa maturidade ler o "Lobo da Estepe" primeiro, irá achar o Demian (e o Sidarta também) um livro bobinho.
Mas gosto é gosto e, sobre o meu, o que tenho a dizer é que o bom e velho Hesse é meu autor predileto (e junto com o Saramago e o Garcia Màrquez forma minha tríade sagrada de escritores) e, de longe, o que eu mais me identifico.
* Casca, vc dizer que o Hesse faz "arte por arte" é, no mínimo, um fato curioso. Se eu não te conhecesse bem diria que vc só está querendo ser do contra...
Música e moralidade...se ele ouvissem algumas músicas atuais penso que não escreveriam que estão destituída de moralidade...rsrs...
Embora o enfase seja entre a música e a moralidade,passou uma mensagem linda e instigante a continuar ler o resto.
Feijãozinho... :)
dig, n�o achop que nem o Hesse nem ningu�m nesse mundo fa�a arte pela arte, esse � o ponto: n�o acredito que isso exista.
mas "m�sica destitu�da de moralidade", denota a opini�o de que o fato da m�sica ser esteticamente apraz�vel a liberta dos valores embutidos em seu criador. n�o, n�o e n�o.
arte � cria�o, obra humana, humanos t�mn valores, e tais valores n�o podem ser guardados no bolso enquanto se cria uma obra de arte, seja uma pintura um livro ou uma m�sica.
Ei! quem disse que não se pode fazer arte pela arte?
Seus sacripantas!
arthurzito, você não vai acreditar no motivo prosaico, um pouco absurdo, um pouco nostálgico, que me trouxe até aqui... espero que isso não deponha contra mim nem contra você :)
lá vai: estava ouvindo aerosmith (!!!) e viajei 15 (!!!) anos no tempo, até a época em que éramos amigos inseparáveis.
espero que estejas bem.
beijocas, mari
ps. acabei de parar de ler um livro do hesse no meio! está um bafafá danado aí nos comentários (:
flaubert, você sabe muito bem que o que você fez nunca foi arte pela arte. teus escritos estão impregnados de ares da comuna.
Como já dizia Nietzsche: "Sem música, a vida seria um erro". E moral em demasia...
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