segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2007

Às moças que fazem minha vida mais colorida

Dedico a presente postagem, de número 100, às moças sorridentes da foto acima: Zucca, minha bonita e Gigi, grandes amigas (sendo minha bonita bem mais que isso) que foram à Comuna da Glória - foco de resistência política e cultural capitaneado pelos camaradas Cássio e João - assistir a uma apresentação descontraída do Errata. Outras pessoas queridas, como Juliano, Carlésima e Lady Gahyva, também nos brindaram com suas presenças. Abaixo, eu e Lelo levando um som na Comuna, enquanto Digas e Davos trocam uma idéia e minha bonita sorri pra câmera da Gigi.

17 comentários:

gigi disse...

Ô, coisa, você também faz minha vida mais colorida, mais cacheada, mais roquenrou. Que delícia de dia, que delícia de evento. Só tenho a agradecer!

Digas e Andrada diante dos meus olhos, meu Jorge... foi demais pra mim. Adorei o pocket, mas só sabia cantar a música do necrotério lotado. Queria mp3 pra ir treinando em casa, tio!

Beijos, meu paraíso artificial!

Paulo Bono disse...

que venham mais 100 posts.
tudo bem colorido.

Jana disse...

Centésimo post, já?!

Parece que foi ontem que eu vim aqui e postei meu CL. O tempo passa rápido. O nosso absurdoturos de garotinha furtacor está se transformando em uma linda mulher arco-íris.

Beijos, moço.

Anônimo disse...

Meu Deeeeeus. Eu não sabia a verdadeira história da Sarah Sheevah. Parece a piada do português que se chamava Manoel Bosta e mudou pra Manoel Merda. hahahahahahah. Ah, adorei a cor do cabelo dessa menina ruiva. Lindo! Beijos, Adri

Samantha Abreu disse...

que legal!

Joana disse...

tô sempre por aqui....
um cheiro =]

Tchello Melo disse...

Poderia estar presente nas fotos, mas Morfeu não quis...

Deixe pra próxima, bróder!

Anônimo disse...

100 articles already? Fuck... Ok for those of you who recoil in horror everytime I post something on Arthur's blog, go fuck yourselves...

Imagine Arthur, if I posted a typical american comment on your blog. It would look like this...
"....Fuck yeah! That really fuckin' rocked!...."

Pathetic huh? Now mulitiply it by a 100. All of these kisses and hugs are the same god damn thing. Pathetic...

Except for the special half dozen of you who have actually contributed to this blog and have exceptional blogs yourselves, I applaud. The rest of you SUCK. Yes I am going to insult them the worst way possible. These people are too american for me...

Anônimo disse...

Word of advice...never watch Alex Jones's ENDGAME stoned out of your mind. Ok Mr Jones is correct when he says the elites want to kill 80% of the worlds population very soon. Good riddance I say except I know very well I am also slated for imminent extinction.
This pisses me off in a way you can scarcely imagine...

Anônimo disse...

Gigi? I am sorry but who really gives a fuck? I'll say it even though the rest of you all won't.

Yeah that Gigi posting really fuckin' rocked!!!! See??? Glad y'all get it. Let's all bask in the irony for a few seconds...mmmmm...awwwww...oh por fa-fuckin-vor...

Arthur man, you scare me sometimes. Never let these women you know become your boss. You live in Rio, man. Never let them inhibit your desires and dreams. They may hate you for it but they will respect you.
If this one doesn't work out then you got at least a couple of million more who can take her place. Relish this luxury because I do not have it here.
It's dona grossa as far as the eye can see. Dont worry, I show no mercy for ugly, arrogant and misshapen fat women but many men here do. This is the problem.

Dona grossa's english? It wasn't as good as you all thought. To think she held dani captive because of this...Oh Dani if you ever knew.

Oh Dani how can I live after knowing what you have become? Kim Basinger? Your better than her in every way that really matters. What the fuck were you doing there? I can never forgive dona grossa for what she did to you as well. None of us will...

Anônimo disse...

Arthur man. When I look at your photos I am struck by how much older you are. For a man it's not a bad thing. I have always teased Gay Tom since the day he got out of the elevator one day at Rio Sul.
" look so 40...." Of course a hearty "fuck you" was his response...
We just age. What can we do? Seems like yesterday when I graduated from high school back in 1989. No fair. Why does every year seem faster than the last?

OK I'll do my best to send you a recent photograph of myself so you can write an appropriate hit piece like you did with Casca and Gigi. It's only fair...

Anônimo disse...

Arthur man. When I look at your photos I am struck by how much older you are. For a man it's not a bad thing. I have always teased Gay Tom since the day he got out of the elevator one day at Rio Sul.
" look so 40...." Of course a hearty "fuck you" was his response...
We just age. What can we do? Seems like yesterday when I graduated from high school back in 1989. No fair. Why does every year seem faster than the last?

OK I'll do my best to send you a recent photograph of myself so you can write an appropriate hit piece like you did with Casca and Gigi. It's only fair...

Anônimo disse...

For all of those who only read and never contribute, I can say one thing. The REVOLUTION is definitely on. If it's happening here then it's happening every where. Join this revolution and you'll not only change the world but will also get supremely laid. You can't lose...

A great miracle is happening before my very eyes. The anglo/saxons are rebelling. Who would have thought???
The enemy has been sighted. We know where he eats for breakfast.

And why does Arthur allow me on his blog? He and I both suffered the wrath of dona grossa. Nothing was made more clear. Our crime? We just wanted to live our lives the way we desire.
We both survived and fourished. They should have killed us while they had the chance. They didn't and now it's time for vengence and revenge is best served COLD. We remember everything...

Anônimo disse...

Arthur man, there was a day when I accidentally destroyed the coffee maker. How was I supposed to know the difference between 220 volts and 110??? So a new coffee maker was needed...
Dona Grossa was so pissed. It was the 9th coffee maker destroyed in 5 years! She had to send Bianca and I out to procure another. This pissed me off.
How many english teachers had lost their jobs in the last 18 months while we were there? 14. Dona Grossa was pissed about 9 coffee makers while she personally destroyed the lives of 14 people in far less the time.
The demise of 9 coffee makers were more important than you and I. Insane?

This is what the rEVOLution is all about. So her kind can never be our masters ever again.

blah disse...


Como sempre o Garret fala demais... Mas eu gosto, because he's not full of shit, as himself says...

Pergunta: Dona Zucca ou Dona Gigi esão solteiras?? Este "quase-blogueiro" preguiçoso anda a busca de amor, para tornar sua passagem por esse mundo de cão mais colorida também...

huahuahauhauhauhauhua (tô brincando mas também tou falando sério)

gigi disse...

E acabou de se queimar. Aprende só uma coisinha sobre mulher: cada uma é única no mundo. Se vc vem assim, atacando no varejo, a chance de se foder é de 100%. Boa sorte.

Vivi disse...

hahahahaha Gigi, eu sou sua fã!