Mil reflexões podem ser feitas a partir da saída de Fidel Castro do poder cubano. Mas com tantos discursos que deturpam e prostituem o significado da palavra "liberdade", usada sem moderação pelos candidatos à presidência norte-americana quando se referem ao futuro que desejam para a ilhota embargada, prefiro ficar com o singelo desenho do cartunista Angeli, corroborando a máxima que diz que uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras:

E tenho dito.
22 comentários:
eu, regina duarte e hobbes temos medo.
Fidel resigns and his brother takes over. Cuba...the home of the great socialist monarchy. Thanx to Tio Fidel, 20 million cubans have now ruined south florida...
Will they return to their beloved isle when the scourge of pro-negro socialism has finally been eradicated from the face of the western hemispere???? Fuck no...they will all stay forever in Miami.
If there are a group of people I hate most in the world besides neo-con republicans and proud cariocas like edu goldenturd then it's anti-castro cubanos. May they all die of terminal colon cancer.
gringo, dessa vez devo admitir que gostei muito do que vc disse. eu desejo o mesmo pros cubanos de miami
Fuck!!!!! It's minus 2C outside and I lost my private wireless connection. Now I am using the CIA's wireless connection.If things become weird on here then it's because of this...
Stop crying casca...Raul has 3 or 4 more years to live. Poor Fidel. His own people will never honor him a hundred years from now but we Americans will. Why? How? We always have a deep respect for our greatest enemies. Especially those who succeeded. Just ask the ghosts of Sitting Bull and Geronimo. Ancient Rome did the same with Hannibal and Vercingetorix. Jesus took a little longer...
Casca??? Why the fuck are you on this early???? You see Arthur, man...miracles are possible. The bastard just agreed with me!
Credit must be given where credit is due. Fidel stuck his middle finger up at imperial amerika for many decades and he lived to tell the tale. For this people in the future will ignore the fact he sold Che out and fed him to the dogs of the CIA in Bolivia. Fidel has been forever jealous because Che was the real deal and fortunate enough to die a handsome man.
Ok now I am going to get side-tracked on another subject...
Why does the average american know more about Cuba than Brazil? It's an embarrassing fact for both of us I know...
Cuba fought to retain it's national identity despite the impossible odds including nuclear annihilation while Brazil always rolled over and became a cheap whore. This is why everyone respects Cuba and no one and I mean no one all over the world can never respect Brazil.
Shit...everyone knows if they got the money and guns that it's impossible to invade and colonize a place like Brazil. It's too damn big and the roads are shit. Cuba could be conquered within 72 hours maximum...
I feel sorry for Los Cubanos now. In a few years no one will give a shit about Cuba. It will be worse than
Brazil. Cuba will become no better than Haiti.
Now Casca I must ask you a simple question...
Guys like you and Arthur live in a country that has more natural resource wealth than both europe and the USA combined yet you are all poor. How can this be possible?
Is it the gringo imperialism you have all been taught in those decrepit institutions you all call universities? Was it because of incompetent Portuguese colonization? Who the fuck is your real enemy?
Today in Serbia they riot because the USA and Europe just stole Kosovo from them. Their rage is righteous. Yet you brazilians allow we americans and the chinese, arabs, french and whomever to take your resources at the cheapest of prices. Who the fuck is to blame?
If you Brazilians finally eliminate the socio-economic hegemony your oligarchs have implemented upon you all for the last 400 years then the world will finally respect you.
We can all see what's going on down there so why can't you? Until then we will just take it all on the cheap...
Now I want everyone to read what I have to say next...
There is a war going on in the world and it has nothing to do with terrorism nor ideology. It's a war made upon us, the middle class. You look in every single country and you can see the middle class has been slated for extinction. This is the essense of globalism.
The New World Order is a euphamism for the same old shit. A very few to rule the many.
Why do the so called elites hate us more than the poor wretched masses who clean their toilets and tend to their estates? It's because we have the power to change things. We have the power to finally end this feudalism. We have the power to make it a far different world from the one we have now.
99.9% of us have no desire for power or money. Most of us just want to be left alone and allowed to live the lives we desire. We demand the right to god given self-determination and the elites can not tolerate this. They consider us too dangerous for co-existance.
I was thinking the other day about my first Irish ancestor who arrived here in America. My great grandfather arrived here an impoverished peasent but became a supreme court judge for the state of Illinois. He later befriended Abrham Lincoln's son Todd Lincoln and went on to establish a school of law at the University of Notre Dame.
His son and my grandfather went on to become a millionaire and owned much of Chicago. His 13 children also went on to have prosperous lives. Now...look at me. Look at my cousins who now have NOTHING. We are all FUCKED!!!!!
yeah laugh...bem feito..I know but you and I are all in the same position. We are all slated for imminent extinction. So what are we going to do? Roll over and take it?
My great grandfather made a scared bargain with his god before he came to america. He could have chosen to stay in Ireland and die young scrounging for rancid potatoes or take his chances in the new world. His god rewarded him for making the right choice. His god kept his end of the sacred bargain...
Now and we all have a choice. Is it returning to scrounge rancid potatoes or is it to fight? Sure the sell outs and puxa sacos among us will be rewarded temporarily but in the end they too will face the same fate.
My choice has been clearly made. I am obligated to uphold my great grandfather's end of the sacred bargain. I hope his god does the same. I am not going to scrounge for rancid potatoes...
As for the rest of you? Is it eternal servitude or will you fight?
Yeah, this particular question is heavy and there is no way of avoiding it. It comes to you late in the night. It's rude and it often awakens you...this question will not let you rest until it has it's answer.
Shit...I almost forgot. You all must watch the lebanese tv interview with Jewish/American political scientist, Norman Finkelstein.
This guy gives one of the most profound interviews ever as to why hezbollah has the right to defend Lebanon from US/Israeli aggression. It's truly awesome and Finkelstein puts it all into a crystal clear perspective.
Go ahead and watch it if you dare. Afterwards you'll know exactly what I am talking about...
Daqui uns anos, quando Cuba virar um shopping, haverá quem diga que "bom era o tempo de Fidel".
pronto,� s� dar um pouco de cr�dito que j� coloca as asinhas de fora e acha que tem justificativa pra falar a imbecilidade que der na telha.
nessas institui�es que chamamos universidade, alguns de n�s aprendem sobre economia. e n�o precisa muita genialidade pra entender a parte sobre circula�o e copncentra�o de recursos. chame isso de capitalismo financeiro ou de imperialismo, o fato � que por conta da op�o por n�o ruptura e asddes�o a um determinado sistrema internacional, nosso papel nesse shopping global sempre foi vender cabelo prqa comprar peruca. tem melhorado lenta e gradativamente nas �ltimas cinco d�cadas, mas n�o o bastante pra nos retirar da condi�o de "periferia dependente associada" (foi esse o termo usado pelo ex-presidente quando ainda trabalhava como soci�logo, a� nas institui�es gringas chamadas de universidade). precisa desenhar?
fidel não era um santo, isso é certo mas... vendeu che? para com isso. é muito seriado enlatado na cabeça, só pode ser.
sempre se arrogando o conhecimento universal mais miraculoso já cumulado, mas é incapaz de perceber que o mundo é grande demais pra caber nessas equações simplistas de uma cultura binária.
procura saber um pouco mais (primeiro admita que você não sabe tudo sobre qualquer coisa) mas enfim, busque informações sopbre dois pontos: a forma como estava organizada a luta revolucionária na Bolívia daquela época, e as particularidades biográficas e políticas do suposto sonhador traído.
o partido comunista boliviano tionha uma estratégia completamente diferente, e portanto não aceitava que ernesto fosse o lider supremo, pois sua linha política era divergente de uma linha que resultava de mais de vinte anos de organização e mobilização. confirmando as piadas brasilleiras sobre o tamanho do ego de um argentino, a estrelinha provocou um racha e se precipitou em uma tática que todas as velhas lideranças já haviam previsto que daria no que deu.
o que aconteceu com ele foi só o mesmo que aconteceu com milhares de outros combatentes no continente inteiro nas décadas de 60 e 70; eles só não eram tão famosos, e por isso não viraram os mickey mouse da esquerda. Aqui no Brasil Carolos Lamarca e Marighella morreram exatamente do mesmo jeito, por cães fascistas treinados pelos mesmos gringos que depois foram pra bolívia. Gente com verdadeiras boas intenções pode acabar fazendo grandes merdas estratégicas, se a orientação política for atabalhoada.
Pelo menos Charles Chandler e Daniel Mitrione tiveramo que mereciam.
"If you Brazilians finally eliminate the socio-economic hegemony your oligarchs have implemented upon you all for the last 400 years then the world will finally respect you."
idiota pretensioso e arrogante, você acha mesmo que isso nunca foi tentado? da última vez, que ensejaram algo assim, a SUA oligarquia hegemônica foi extremaente hábil pra impedir. nós temos uma oligarquia retrógrada por aqui por que ela é o aliado preferencial da SUA oligarquia moderna, que tem recursos pra cooptar e armas pra coagir. quando oligarquias menos primitivas assumem o controle de seus países, tendem a se tornar menos dóceis quanto à transferência massiva de recursos pro aliado externo, e geralmente passam a fixar um pouco mais de capital localmente.
"We can all see what's going on down there so why can't you?" caralho, essa frase é simplesmente asquerosa. o que vem depois nem merece menção, sinceramente.
Ouvi rumores de fontes fidedignas de que Cuba lancará as sandálias Havanianas, ¡las purísimas!
Melhor que a imagem do Angeli só os comentários do Gringo e do Cascarravias.
Sabia que vc ia comentar sobre o Fidel, sabia que o Cascarravias iria intervir com algo sensacional, mas o fator surpresa foi ve-lo concordar com o Garret, que finalmente fez sentido, e segundos depois destruiu tudo.
Ah, como é bom vir aqui.
Nooossa, a imagem já diz tudo!
A curiosidade vem agora, o que irá acontecer?!!
Beijos de novo!
Seus parabéns , 4thur. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Apareça nos mesu blogs, vai. Estou com saudades dos seus insights.
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